

Neutral position:

The neutral position is the switch's starting position before the cruise control is activated. In the neutral position, terminals A, B and C are not supplied with current.


Immediately to the left of the spring-loaded neutral position is the CANCEL position.

When the cruise control system is activated (ON position), the CRUISE lamp goes out as an acknowledgement that the switch has been moved to the CANCEL position. Accordingly, the CRUISE lamp is out when CANCEL is active and comes on again when the switch is released.

In the CANCEL position, current is supplied to control module terminals B and C and the cruise control is disengaged.


To the extreme left of the spring-loaded neutral position is the ON/OFF position.

In the ON/OFF position, current is supplied to control module terminals A, B and C.

The ON/OFF position has two functions: the first time the button is activated it is in the ON position, the second time it is in the OFF position, and so on.

If none of the terminals is supplied with current, ON/OFF will be inoperative.


To the right of the spring-loaded neutral position is the RESUME (RES/-) position. Current is supplied to control module terminal C. This position has three functions:

1. When the cruise control is activated and its memory is empty, this position can be used as a SET function, i.e. the current speed is saved in the memory.

2. After activation of the brake or clutch pedal, the cruise control can be returned to the original speed by pressing RES/ .

3. If the button is held in the RES/ -position for a longer period, speed will gradually decrease. When the button is released, the new speed will be saved in the memory. Pressing the button briefly reduces the speed in steps of 1.6 km/h (1 mph).


The spring-loaded SET/+ button is located on the end of the direction indicator control stalk. Current is supplied to control module terminal B when this button is pressed. This position has two functions:

1. When the cruise control is activated and the SET/+ button is pressed, the current speed of the car will be stored in the cruise control memory.

2. Pressing the SET/+ button for a longer period causes the speed to increase successively. When the button is released the new speed will be saved in the memory. Pressing the button briefly causes speed to increase in steps of 1.6 km/h (1 mph).