(522-2204) Brake fluid label

Bulletin Nbr: 522-2204
Date: ........... December 1999
Market: US, AU
Brake fluid label

Legislation related campaign 107 18

Cars in stock must be rectified before delivery.

Owners of cars already delivered must be informed of the fault by a personal communication requesting them to contact their nearest Saab garage as soon as possible for the necessary repairs.

Cars affected

Saab 9-3 Viggen

Model year 1999 up to and including VIN X7063182.


It is imperative that clean brake fluid of the correct type is used in the brake system. A warning label giving this information must be affixed by the brake fluid reservoir.

Parts required

50 57 971 Label


1. Clean the cross brace.

2. Affix the label on the cross brace above the brake fluid reservoir.

The distance from the filler opening to the label must not exceed 100 mm. The label must be placed upward at a 45 degree angle.

Warranty/Time information

See separate information.