Checking and adjustment prior to wheel alignment

Checking and adjustment prior to wheel alignment

If front-wheel alignment is thought to be incorrect, noticeable by the steering wheel spokes not being symmetrical, abnormal tyre wear, deficient steering and road-holding, etc., the following procedure must be followed:

1. Check the tyre pressures.

2. Check tyre rims, front-wheel bearings, suspension arm mountings and ball joints as well as track-rod bushings and track-rod ends. Adjust if necessary or replace to eliminate faults caused by worn parts.

3. Inspect the shock absorbers and replace any that might be defective, together with any worn bushings.

4. If the car has been involved in a collision, run off the road, etc., any resulting damage must be repaired before checking wheel alignment.

5. To avoid misleading results when using wheel alignment equipment, rock the car vigorously a few times before starting to check the alignment. When checking wheel alignment, the car should be unladen with no driver or passengers but with a full tank of fuel and standing on a flat and level surface. A variety of wheel-alignment equipment is available for mounting on the wheel rim or directly on the stub axle. For the correct use of such equipment, refer to the manufacturer's instructions.