
Read the instructions below then start the fault diagnostic procedure.

Symptom: The symptom for a short circuit to B+ is that the seat-belt warning lamp does not go on. The symptom for an open circuit/short circuit to ground is that the seat-belt warning lamp is on constantly, irrespective of the seat-belt buckle switch.


Seatbelt Warning Lamp. Short to B+

Seatbelt Warning Lamp. Open Circuit/Short to Ground

Fault symptoms

The symptom for a short circuit to B+ is that the seat-belt warning lamp does not go on.

The symptom for an open circuit/short circuit to ground is that the seat-belt warning lamp is on constantly, irrespective of the seat-belt buckle switch.


No diagnostic trouble code is generated for voltage under 11 V and during diagnostic communication.

Diagnostic help

The control module output can be activated with the diagnostic tool.