Checking valve clearances

Checking valve clearances

(Cylinder head removed)

Control measurements and settings

Place the clearance gauge across two of the camshaft bearing seats with the depth gauge against the end of the valve stem.

Check that the maximum gauge depth of 20.5 mm actually reaches down to the end of the valve stem (noticed by the valve clearance gauge not bottoming against the bearing seat closest to the depth gauge).

Then, check that the min. depth 19.5 mm does not reach the end of the valve stem. Correct valve position should be between the depth measurement min. and max. values. If the valve position deviates from the given measurements, adjustments are done on the valve stem or valve seat. The valve stem is shortened if measurement is below the min. value and the valve seat is machined if the max. value is exceeded. When adjusting the valve position, set this at nominal value 20.2 mm.