Read the instructions below then
start the fault diagnostic procedure.
Symptom: Market US/CA: CHECK ENGINE
O2S Circuit. Slow Response. Sensor 1.
Fault symptoms
On-Board Diagnostics
Type of diagnosis:
Test 1:
Continuous. But interrupted when fault criteria fulfilled and does not restart until next driving cycle.
Test 2:
Once per driving cycle. Interrupted when fault criteria fulfilled or OK reported. Restarts next driving cycle.
Enable criteria:
General condition for this diagnostic trouble code: Atmospheric pressure must exceed 72 kPa as well as coolant and intake air temperature must exceed -7°C.
Test 1:
Engine running. Closed loop blocked in rich or lean position for a number of combustions to hold voltage from oxygen sensor 2 at 0.6 V. The required number of combustions is adapted.
Test 2:
3 min. since starting engine. Car driven with an engine speed of 1300-2200 rpm, and with a load corresponding to air mass/combustion between 250-500 mg/comb. The closed loop is active and stable. Air mass/combustion stable. Purging is active. Coolant temperature above 60°C. No change in brake light status. When all conditions are fulfilled wait 3 sensor transitions. Then count the number of combustions for 15 sensor transitions.
Fault criteria:
Test 1:
The adapted number of combustions during which closed loop is blocked in rich or lean position exceeds 50.
Test 2:
Number of combustions exceeding 460.
P0116, P0117, P0118, P0131, P0132 and P0134.
System reaction to a fault:
OK report:
Test 1: Number of adapted combustions has dropped at some time during the driving cycle. Test 2 performed once and fault criteria not fulfilled.
Fault handling:
(For more information, see
Diagnostic help
Fault diagnosis concerns an internal fault in the sensor.
Functions in the diagnostic tool related to the fault:
Diagnostic status for the diagnosis.
Oxygen Sensor Value, unit V.
For information, see
The oxygen sensor receives reference oxygen from the surrounding air via the connecting cables. For this reason, electrical contact spray or grease
must not
be used on the oxygen sensor connector.