

The VR-bus (Valve and Relay bus)is a single-lead bus communications link through which the STC control module controls one relay for each window lift, one relay for the fifth bow latch motor and the four electromagnetic hydraulic valves.

A bus is understood to be the leads with which information is sent digitally and serially. Digital means that the voltage difference between the leads has only two values, in this case roughly 0 V and 5 V. The information is coded so that different combinations of 0 V and 5 V pulses have different meanings.

Serial means that information is sent in “packets” that are sent in succession at a rate of 15 000 bytes/second.

All information sent out on a bus by a control module is available to all other control modules connected to the bus. Each component has a programmed name, e.g.” Front Left Window”. The information sent on the bus is used only by the affected component. When ordered as spare parts, these components are not programmed on delivery and consequently must be programmed with the diagnostic tool.

The control modules send out information on the bus at regular intervals. Information is also transmitted by the control module whenever the information changes.

VR bus communication takes place on pin 14.

The STC uses the following information

STC receives Values Used by
Diagnostics communication


STC for diagnostics


The STC sends the following information

STC sends Values Used by
Front Left Window UP


Relay, front left window lift

The relay powers window lift motor UP when “ON”

Front Left Window DOWN


Relay, front left window lift

The relay powers window lift motor DOWN when “ON”

Front Right Window UP


Relay, front right window lift

The relay powers window lift motor UP when “ON”

Front Right Window DOWN


Relay, front right window lift

The relay powers window lift motor DOWN when “ON”

Rear Left Window UP


Relay, rear left window lift

The relay powers window lift motor UP

Rear Left Window DOWN


Relay, rear left window lift

The relay powers window lift motor DOWN when “ON”

Rear Right Window UP


Relay, rear right window lift

The relay powers window lift motor UP when “ON”

Rear Right Window DOWN


Relay, rear right window lift

The relay powers window lift motor DOWN when “ON”

Fifth Bow latch motor, OPEN


Relay, fifth bow latch motor

The relay powers electric motor OPEN when “ON”

Fifth Bow latch motor, CLOSE


Relay, fifth bow latch motor

The relay powers electric motor CLOSE when “ON”

Hydraulic valve 1, fifth bow DOWN


Hydraulic valve 1

Operates fifth bow down when “ON”

Hydraulic valve 2, main cylinder UP


Hydraulic valve 2

Operates soft top up when “ON”

Hydraulic valve 3, fifth bow UP


Hydraulic valve 3

Operates fifth bow up when “ON”

Hydraulic valve 4, main cylinder DOWN


Hydraulic valve 4

Operates soft top down when “ON”