Scrapping cars with airbags and belt tensioners

Scrapping cars with airbags and belt tensioners

To avoid injury when scrapping cars equipped with airbags and seat-belt tensioners, all undetonated airbags and seat-belt tensioners must be rendered unserviceable by electric detonation before the car is scrapped, as described below.

These safety measures are essential, as the pyrotechnical units can cause serious injury and material damage if handled unprofessionally.


The manual triggering device consists of a twin-core cable, approx. 10 metres in length, with pushbuttons and battery terminals plus a connector for coupling it to the wiring harness. The wiring harness must be replaced depending on which SRS component is to be scrapped.

The battery to which the detonating device is to be connected must be in good condition.


The airbag or belt tensioner that is to be triggered must be correctly installed in the car. Check that there are no unsecured objects in the vicinity of the airbag.

Detonation of a loose or unmounted airbag module could injure persons in the vicinity.

An accident could happen if an undetonated airbag or seat-belt tensioner is exposed to high temperature, such as in connection with scrapping, or if parts with an explosive charge start to burn or smoulder.


Splicing of SRS leads is strictly prohibited.

Splicing can cause malfunctions which could render the system unserviceable and in the worst case lead to injury.

Scrapping belt tensioners


Belt tensioners that are to be detonated must be correctly fitted in the car.

Detonation of a loose or unmounted seat-belt tensioner could injure persons in the vicinity. An accident could happen if an undetonated seat-belt tensioner is exposed to high temperature, such as in connection with scrapping, or if parts with an explosive charge start to burn or smoulder.

Parts that make up the SRS must under no circumstances be removed from one car to be used in another car.

Belt tensioners should be triggered using detonating device 84 71 104 (B) and cable assembly 86 11 469 (A).

1. Ignition switch in the OFF position.

2. Push the seat forward and fold down the backrest.

3. Remove the scuff plates.

4. Remove the cover, detach the seat-belt strap guide from the B-pillar and take off the trim of the B-pillar.

5. Remove the plastic protector over the belt tensioner.

6. Remove the connector from the belt tensioner and connect the connector 86 11 469 (A) of the manual triggering device to the belt tensioner.

7. Fit the upper strap guide in its mounting (to protect the B pillar trim on detonation).

8. Check that the seat belt runs freely and can be pulled back approx. 180 mm without damaging anything.

9. Run the detonating device out to the engine compartment. Shut all doors and windows, and check that there is nobody in the car.

10. Apply the clips of the detonating device to the poles of the battery.

11. Stand in front of the car and press the detonating button.


If the belt tensioner does not detonate at the first attempt, disconnect the detonating device from the battery and carefully check the leads and battery.

Scrapping side airbags


If the airbag does not detonate at the first attempt, disconnect the detonating device from the battery and carefully check the leads and battery.

Parts that make up the SRS must under no circumstances be removed from one car to be used in another car.

The side airbag is to be triggered using detonating device 84 71 104 and cable assembly 86 12 343 for side airbags.

1. Park the car outdoors.

The safety distance from the car is ten metres. Nobody should be present within the safety distance.

2. Make sure that nobody is inside the car and that no loose objects are in the vicinity of the airbag.

3. Ignition switch in the OFF position.

4. Dismount the seat and rock it back and forth.

5. Take apart the 29-pin connector under the seat.

6. Connect cable assembly 86 12 343 to the connector under the seat. Re-install the seat.

7. Connect the cable assembly to detonating device 84 71 104.

8. Run the lead through the door opening and close the door. Check that all doors and windows are closed.

9. Place a battery about ten metres away from the car. Connect the detonating device to the battery.

Check that there is nobody within a radius of ten metres from the car.

10. Trigger the airbag by pressing the detonating button. The sound of an explosion will be heard when the airbag detonates.

11. Disconnect the detonating device's leads from the battery immediately after the airbag has detonated.

Wait until the reaction gases have dissipated. Be careful when unplugging the connector from the airbag gas generator as it could be warn. Use protective gloves.

Scrapping driver airbags


If the airbag does not detonate at the first attempt, disconnect the detonating device from the battery and carefully check the leads and battery.

Parts that make up the SRS must under no circumstances be removed from one car to be used in another car.

The driver airbag is to be triggered using detonating device 84 71 104 and cable assembly 86 11 477 for driver airbags.

1. Park the car outdoors.

The safety distance from the car is ten metres. Nobody should be present within the safety distance.

2. Make sure that nobody is in the car and that there are no loose objects in the front seat or on the dashboard.

3. Ignition switch in the OFF position.

4. Remove the steering column cowls, 3 screws.

5. Unplug the orange connector.

6. Connect cable assembly 86 11 477 to the orange connector.

7. Connect the cable assembly to detonating device 84 71 104.

8. Run the lead through the door opening and close the door. Check that all doors and windows are closed.

9. Place a battery about ten metres away from the car. Connect the detonating device to the battery.

Make sure that nobody is present within the safety distance of ten metres from the car.

10. Trigger the airbag by pressing the detonating button. The sound of an explosion will be heard when the airbag detonates at the same time as it inflates.

11. Disconnect the detonating device's leads from the battery immediately after the airbag has detonated.

Wait until the reaction gases have dissipated. Be careful when unplugging the connector from the airbag gas generator as it could be warn. Use protective gloves.

Scrapping passenger airbags


If the airbag does not detonate at the first attempt, disconnect the detonating device from the battery and carefully check the leads and battery.

Parts that make up the SRS must under no circumstances be removed from one car to be used in another car.

The passenger airbag is to be triggered using detonating device 84 71 104 and cable assembly 86 11 469 for passenger airbags.

1. Park the car outdoors.

The safety distance from the car is ten metres. Nobody should be present within the safety distance.

2. Make sure that nobody is in the car and that there are no loose objects in the front seat or on the dashboard.

3. Ignition switch in the OFF position.

4. Remove the glove box; see Service Manual 8:2 Interior Equipment.

5. Remove the connector from the airbag. Connect the connector of the detonating device to cable assembly 86 11 469. Connect the cable assembly to the airbag.

6. Run the lead through the door opening and close the door. Check that all doors and windows are closed.

7. Place a battery about ten metres away from the car. Connect the detonating device to the battery. Check that there is nobody within a radius of ten metres from the car.

8. Trigger the airbag by pressing the detonating button. The sound of an explosion will be heard when the airbag detonates at the same time as it inflates.

9. Disconnect the detonating device's leads from the battery immediately after the airbag has detonated.

Wait until the reaction gases have dissipated. Be careful when unplugging the connector from the airbag gas generator as it could be warn. Use protective gloves.