Part of side panel, 5D

Part of side panel, 5D

If the roof is undamaged, the side panel can be suitable joined further down the D-pillar. Damage to the paintwork on the roof can be avoided when the new side panel is welded on.


The D-pillar must only be cut according to the following instructions. Otherwise, there is a risk that the reinforcement inside the D-pillar is damaged.

1. Position the car in an aligning bench and cross-measure if necessary.

2. Cut the D-pillar 40 mm above the ball pin where the tailgate gas spring is attached.

3. Cut the C-pillar according to the illustration.

4. Drill out the spot-welds.

5. Drill out the spot-welds.

6. Drill out the spot-welds.

7. Tap loose the side panel and align deformed or damaged panels.

8. Cut the spare part so that it overlaps the intended joints by approximately three centimetres.

9. Drill holes for plug-welding in the spare part.

10. Fit the spare part and fixate with a couple of welding clamps.

11. Cut through the spare part and body at the same time so that the joint can be welded edge-to-edge.

12. Remove the spare part and grind clean the surfaces to be welded on the body and the spare part.

13. Apply welding primer on the surfaces to be plug and spot-welded. Use Teroson Zinkspray.

14. Fit the spare part and fixate it with a couple of welding clamps.

15. Spot-weld the spare part.

16. Plug-weld the spare part.

17. All-weld the joints.

18. Grind the welds.

19. Remove any remaining welding primer. Welding primer reduces adhesion of paint, filler and sealant.

20. Apply primer to all ground surfaces. Use Standox 1K Primer.

21. Seal joints and sheet metal flanges with sealant. Use Terostat 1K-PUR.

22. Apply anti-corrosion agent to the interior of the side panel. Use Terotex HV 400 or Mercasol 1.