Tech 2 menu structure

Tech 2 menu structure

Diagnostic trouble codes (DTC)

Read Values/Activate



System Information

Menu “Read Values”


To obtain relevant “Read Values”, the ignition must be in position ON.

Read value Unit Min Max Description
Main Cylinder Up




The main sequence position UP is confirmed by a switch integrated in the main cylinder end (piston rod end). Shows YES when the soft top is raised.

Main Cylinder Down




The main sequence position DOWN is conformed by a switch integrated in the main cylinder end (lower end). Shows YES when the soft top is lowered.

5 Bow Cylinder Up




The fifth bow position UP is confirmed by a switch integrated in the end (piston rod end) in the fifth bow cylinder. Shows YES when the fifth bow is raised.

#5 Bow Intermediate




The fifth bow intermediate position is confirmed by a microswitch located on the left side of the soft top mechanism. Shows YES when the fifth bow position is approximately horizontal.

5 Bow Cylinder Down




The fifth bow position DOWN is confirmed by a switch integrated in the end (lower end) in the fifth bow cylinder. Shows YES when the fifth bow is approximately 20° under horizontal level.

#5 Bow Ready to Latch Left




That the fifth bow is ready to be locked is confirmed by a microswitch located by the left latch. Displays YES when the left fifth bow locking pin presses on the microswitch.

#5 Bow Ready to Latch Right




That the fifth bow is ready to be locked is confirmed by a microswitch located by the right latch. Displays YES when the right fifth bow locking pin presses on the microswitch.

Tonneau Cylinder Up




The tonneau (soft top cover) position UP is confirmed by a switch integrated in the end (piston rod end) in the tonneau (soft top cover) cylinder. Shows YES when the soft top cover is completely raised.

Tonneau latch Switch Left




A microswitch located by the left soft top cover latch confirms that the soft top cover is locked. CLOSED is displayed when the soft top cover is locked.

Tonneau latch Switch Right




A microswitch located by the right soft top cover latch confirms that the soft top cover is locked. CLOSED is displayed when the soft top cover is locked.

Soft Top Latched Left




That the soft top is locked to the windscreen frame is confirmed by a switch (reed switch) integrated in the left side of the windscreen frame. A small magnet can also be used to simulate the locked position. Displays YES when the soft top is locked to the windscreen frame.

Soft Top Latched Right




That the soft top is locked to the windscreen frame is confirmed by a switch (reed switch) integrated in the right side of the windscreen frame. A small magnet can also be used to simulate the locked position. Displays YES when the soft top is locked to the windscreen frame.

Boot well




There are two microswitches located in the fold of the soft-top storage used to confirm it is not raised when the soft top is being lowered. Indicates down for both microswitches when the soft-top storage is down and UP when it is raised.

Speed status





The vehicle speed must not exceed a certain value when the soft top is operated. The speed is normally 10 km/h but this can be adjusted to 2.5 km/h, see Adjustment. Displays LOWER LIMIT when the car is stationary and UPPER LIMIT when the vehicle speed exceeds the speed value.

Boot Lid




In order to prevent the soft top cover from colliding with the boot lid when the soft top is operated, this bus message from TWICE is used. The value originates from the luggage compartment switch and is CLOSED when the boot lid is closed.

Roof Switch




The control module input for operating the soft top from the switch panel in the centre console. Displays UP when the button is pushed forwards, DOWN when it is pushed backwards and OFF when the button is released.

All Window Button *4




The control module input for operating the window lifts from the switch panel in the centre console. Displays UP when the front edge of the button is pressed, DOWN when the rear edge is pressed and OFF when the button is released.

Left Front Window Button




The control module input for operating the front left window from the switch panel in the centre console. Displays UP when the button is pushed up, DOWN when it is pushed down and OFF when the button is released.

Right Front Window Button




The control module input for operating the front right window from the switch panel in the centre console. Displays UP when the button is pushed up, DOWN when it is pushed down and OFF when the button is released.

Left Rear Window Button




The control module input for operating the rear left window from the switch panel in the centre console. Displays UP when the button is pushed up, DOWN when it is pushed down and OFF when the button is released.

Right Rear Window Button




The control module input for operating the rear right window from the switch panel in the centre console. Displays UP when the button is pushed up, DOWN when it is pushed down and OFF when the button is released.

Soft Top in Sequence




This value informs whether the soft top sequence has started. Displays YES if a valve has been activated by the control module for operating the soft top. Displays NO if the soft top is completely raised or lowered.

Soft Top Latched




This value shows whether the soft top is locked to the windscreen frame. The value depends on the two switches (reed switches) on the windscreen frame latches. Displays YES if the soft top is locked to the windscreen and NO if it is not.

No of cycles




Shows the number of cycles for which the control module has operated the soft top. This value must always accompany a warranty claim. One cycle is a complete sequence from raised soft top to lowered soft top and back to raised again.

The value is stored in a non-volatile memory.

Menu “Activate”

Activate Condition for activating Description Use
Valve 1

Ignition ON

Activates valve 1, fifth bow DOWN.

Used to check the function of the valve. Do not activate the valve while the pump motor is running. When the valve is active, a complete upwards sequence cannot be performed manually with the fifth bow.

Valve 2

Ignition ON

Activates valve 2, main sequence UP.

Used to check the function of the valve. Do not activate the valve while the pump motor is running. When the valve is active, a complete downwards sequence cannot be performed manually with the soft top.

Valve 3

Ignition ON

Activates valve 3, fifth bow UP.

Used to check the function of the valve. Do not activate the valve while the pump motor is running. When the valve is active, a complete downwards sequence cannot be performed manually with the fifth bow.

Valve 4

Ignition ON

Activates valve 4, main sequence DOWN

Used to check the function of the valve. Do not activate the valve while the pump motor is running. When the valve is active, a complete upwards sequence cannot be performed manually with the soft top.

Relay 5 Bow Latch

Ignition ON

Activates fifth bow relay to position LATCH

Used to check the function of the relay and the latch motor. The polarity of the relay output to the latch motor can be reversed depending on whether the latch motor is locking or unlocking.

Relay 5 Bow Unlatch

Ignition ON

Activates fifth bow relay to position UNLATCH.

Used to check the function of the relay and the latch motor. The polarity of the relay output to the latch motor can be reversed depending on whether the latch motor is locking or unlocking.

Window Front Left Up

Ignition ON

Activates the front left window relay to position UP.

Used to check the function of the relay and the window lift motor. The polarity of the relay output to the motor is reversed depending on whether the window is to be raised or lowered.

Window Front Left Down

Ignition ON

Activates the front left window relay to position DOWN.

Used to check the function of the relay and the window lift motor. The polarity of the relay output to the motor is reversed depending on whether the window is to be raised or lowered.

Window Front Right Up

Ignition ON

Activates the front right window relay to position UP.

Used to check the function of the relay and the window lift motor. The polarity of the relay output to the motor is reversed depending on whether the window is to be raised or lowered.

Window Front Right Down

Ignition ON

Activates the front right window relay to position DOWN.

Used to check the function of the relay and the window lift motor. The polarity of the relay output to the motor is reversed depending on whether the window is to be raised or lowered.

Window Rear Left Up

Ignition ON

Activates the rear left window relay to position UP.

Used to check the function of the relay and the window lift motor. The polarity of the relay output to the motor is reversed depending on whether the window is to be raised or lowered.

Window Rear Left Down

Ignition ON

Activates the rear left window relay to position DOWN.

Used to check the function of the relay and the window lift motor. The polarity of the relay output to the motor is reversed depending on whether the window is to be raised or lowered.

Window Rear Right Up

Ignition ON

Activates the rear right window relay to position UP.

Used to check the function of the relay and the window lift motor. The polarity of the relay output to the motor is reversed depending on whether the window is to be raised or lowered.

Window Rear Right Down

Ignition ON

Activates the rear right window relay to position DOWN.

Used to check the function of the relay and the window lift motor. The polarity of the relay output to the motor is reversed depending on whether the window is to be raised or lowered.

Check Soft Top

Ignition ON

Activates the bus message from the STC control module, shown by SID on the display.

Used to check that a sent message is displayed by SID.

Soft Top Failure

Ignition ON

Activates the bus message from the STC control module, shown by SID on the display.

Used to check that a sent message is displayed by SID.

Check Soft Top Cover

Ignition ON

Activates the bus message from the STC control module, shown by SID on the display.

Used to check that a sent message is displayed by SID.

Check Soft Top Latches

Ignition ON

Activates the bus message from the STC control module, shown by SID on the display.

Used to check that a sent message is displayed by SID.

Close Trunk Lid

Ignition ON

Activates the bus message from the STC control module, shown by SID on the display.

Used to check that a sent message is displayed by SID.

Check Soft Top Storage

Ignition ON

Activates the bus message from the STC control module, shown by SID on the display.

Used to check that a sent message is displayed by SID.

Menu “Adjustment”

FAILURE Alternative Description
Speed Limit

2.5 km/h/

10 km/h

If the vehicle speed exceeds this value while operating the soft top, the sequence will be halted.

Factory setting 10 km/h.

Window Direction at Top Down


No Direction/


The direction of the windows when the soft top has been lowered and the ROOF button is pressed backwards. The windows can go DOWN, UP or remain in their current position. Factory setting is DOWN.

Menu “Programming”

Programming of valves/relays

A new relay or valve must be programmed for the position it is to have. Select RELAY or VALVE and then program its position. If a relay has been programmed, make a note of its position on the label.


Never have more than one unprogrammed spare part (relay/valve) in the car. If more than one unprogrammed spare part is mounted, both will have the same address.

If more than one relay/valve must be replaced, first fit one spare part and program it. Then fit the next spare part and program it. This prevents two spare parts from receiving the same address.

Menu “System Information”

Diagnostic tool FAILURE
Saab Part Number

Displays Saab's 7-digit part number for the control module.

Hardware number

Displays the control module part number XXXX.

Hardware version

Displays the control module hardware version number XXX.

Software number

Displays the control module software number XXXX.

Software version

Displays the control module software version number XXXX.

System name

Displays the system name STC

Programming date

Displays the programming date DD MM YY

Diagnostic data identification

Displays the diagnostics software version number XXXX.