Refrigerant flow
1 Compressor
The refrigerant arrives at the compressor from the evaporator under low pressure and as a gas. The gas is compressed in the compressor, resulting in a pressure and temperature increase. The warm and gaseous refrigerant is then forced into the condenser.
2 Condenser
The hot , high-pressure refrigerant is pumped by the compressor into the condenser coiled tubes. The coiled tube is provided with cooling flanges which are surrounded by circulating air, provided by the radiator fan and airstream. Since heat always moves from a warm object to a cold object, the hot refrigerant will transfer some of its heat to the cooler air, then start to condense and become a liquid. The system pressure sensor is mounted on the condenser.
3 Receiver
The refrigerant is stored and dehumidified in the receiver dryer. The refrigerant arrives in the receiver dryer in liquid form under high pressure and at a high temperature. It passes through a filter unit where it is dehumidified and any particles are removed. The refrigerant is then directed in liquid form to the expansion valve.
4 Expansion valve
The liquid refrigerant arrives at the expansion valve under high pressure and at a high pressure. The function of the expansion valve is to regulate the amount of refrigerant that is injected into the evaporator. The valve will not inject more refrigerant than what can be evaporated.
5 Evaporator
The refrigerant expands when it enters the evaporator after the expansion valve. A much lower pressure exists in the evaporator due to the compressor suction action. The refrigerant evaporates to a gaseous state when it expands. Heat must be added in order for the liquid refrigerant to evaporate. The necessary heat is absorbed from the air around the evaporator. The cold air is then directed into the cabin. The refrigerant is then directed into the compressor in gaseous state.