PSG16 / P0686 FD
Read the instructions below then
start the fault diagnostic procedure.
Symptom: Fault indicator lamp (for further information see WIS Fault diagnosis, general)
Engine shut off.
Engine does not start.
Main Relay Circuit. No Voltage to Control Module.

Fault symptom
Fault indicator lamp (for further information see WIS Fault diagnosis, general)
Engine shut off.
Engine does not start.
On-board diagnosis
Type of diagnosis:
Enable criteria:
Fault criteria:
The main relay closed too soon 3 consecutive times. |
Checking the wiring harness
• | Faults in the control module female connector can be the cause of the DTC. Check the connector with respect to oxidation, depressed pins and pin clamping force. |
• | Move the wiring harness at several spots and in several directions to reveal intermittent breaks and short-circuits. Check switches, connectors and crimp connections for oxidation, retracted pins and pin clamping force. |
Diagnostic help
Counter is reset during each engine shut-off.
A poor contact or ground connection could cause the control module to experience a break in current.