Engine block

Engine block

Cylinder bore

Classification codes
8 mm 83.975-83.985
99 mm 83.985-83.995
00 mm 83.995-84.005
01 mm 84.005-84.015
02 mm 84.015-84.025

The new cylinder classification marking must be applied after reboring the cylinders.

Cylinder block

Height, new cylinder block (The cylinder block must not be planed.) mm 242.2

Cylinder head

Height, new cylinder head (The cylinder head must not be planed.) mm 140

Cylinder head gaskets

Level difference, pistons Thickness, gasket Marking
0.40 - 0.50 mm 1.2 mm No notch
0.51 - 0.60 mm 1.3 mm 1 notch
0.61 - 0.70 mm 1.4 mm 2 notches

Control values, pressure

Compression bar 27-29 (The difference between the cylinders must not exceed 100 kPa.)
Compression ratio 19.5:1