Button and display lighting, bus information

Button and display lighting, bus information

Bus message Type of information Sender User
Speedometer, setting of lighting, request No light Both scales lit Km/h only lit Mph only lit ICM MIU
Speedometer, setting of Night Panel scale, request Full scale Night Panel only ICM MIU
Interior lighting, sensor value % ICM ACC
Instrument lighting, display value % ICM ACC, MIU
Instrument lighting, Night Panel active On/off ICM ACC, MIU, CDF/CDCF
Instrument lighting, rheostat level % ICM BCM, CIM, DDM, ACC, PDM, RLDM, RRDM, SLM, CDF/CDCF
Instrument lighting, value % ICM ACC, MIU, CDF/CDCF
Driver's door central locking, switch illumination, request On/off RLDM DDM
Clock lighting, request On/off RLDM ICM
Passenger door central locking, switch illumination, request On/off RLDM PDM
Ignition switch illumination, request On/off RLDM CIM
Odometer illumination, request On/off RLDM MIU