Temperature sensor, external air (286)

Temperature sensor, external air (286)


Temperature sensor, external air (286)

Principal use

Used to show the external temperature in SID. The value is also sent out on the bus and used by other systems.


The sensor consists of an NTC resistor which is encapsulated in a plastic casing. The outside is fitted with three snap fasteners for mounting, and a contact unit.


Pin no.
Signal type
1 Signal To control module, BCM pin B47 (K78)
2 Ground From control module, BCM pin B44 (K78)

One pin is grounded internally in the control module and the other supplied with 5V via a resistor of 6.8 kΩ built into the control module. The characteristics of the NTC resistor mean that the resistance falls as the temperature rises. This means that the voltage measured over the resistor will fall at the same time as the temperature rises. The power supply from the sensor is A/D-converted and then available in digital form. The digital voltage is then converted to temperature and stored in the control module working memory. A voltage value of almost 0 or 5V is interpreted as a fault in the circuit.