Microswitch for backrest, access handle activated, seat (369r)

Microswitch for backrest, access handle activated, seat (369r)


Microswitch for backrest, access handle activated, seat (369r)

Main task

The microswitch is used to determine whether the seat access handle is activated.


The switch is of closing type. In normal state (access handle in normal position), the switch is open. When the access handle is lifted in order to fold forward the backrest, the switch will close and the control module input is energised.

Connecting seat with control module

The switch pin 2 is powered with B+ from the seat control module (357Dk/k) pin 28. The switch pin 3 is connected to the seat control module (357Dk/k) pin 12. When the switch is open (normal state), the voltage on the control module pin 12 is 0V. When the switch is closed (handle raised), the voltage on the input is approx B+.

Connecting seat with relay unit

Switch pin 2 is connected to the positive supply via fuse 25 or relay 446. When the switch is made, positive voltage is supplied to the relay unit (357r) pin 11 from switch pin 3.
