Service area 1

Service area 1

1. Centre column lift

2. Control unit for centre column lift

3. 2-column lift

4. Writing station

5. Toolboard for wheel alignment equipment

6. Water hose reel - 2.5 m above floor

7. Lubricating oil hose reel - 2.5 m above floor

8. Workbench 1500x750 mm (LxD)

9. Complete toolboard (whole and half board) T-1 “SERVICE POWERTRAIN” part no. 86 11 618 and complete toolboard (whole board) T-2 “SERVICE CHASSIS-BODY” part no. 86 11 600

10. Refuse container and paper towel holder

11. Small-part wash unit with ventilation

12. Light setting instrument with support rail - 3 metres above floor

13. Pneumatic hose reel - 3.5 metres above floor

14. Spot extractor with flap valve and microswitch - 2.1 metres above floor

15. Pits for rotational angle plates, with drain

16. Exhaust extractor hose reel - 3.5 metres above floor

17. 4-gas meter with support rail 30x30x2 mm - 3.5 metres above floor

18. Electrical socket for 4-gas meter - 3.5 metres above floor

19. Electrical socket 1-phase and 3-phase

20. Electrical socket 1-phase

21. Compressed air outlet, double - 1 metre above floor

22. Tool cart for Saab mechanic