Detailed description, Navigation
Detailed description, Navigation |
GPS (Global Positioning System), which is used by the navigation system, comprises a number of satellites that orbit the earth at an altitude of 20,200 km. Due to their comparative locations, at least four satellites are always accessible for the user on the ground. The various car systems are equipped with direction and speed sensors that are used together with GPS to calculate the car's position and navigation. Together, these make it easy for the customer to find a specific address.

The main audio unit transmits sound in the form of a voice that informs the driver when approaching an intersection or when the destination is reached.

The steering wheel controls are used to raise or lower the volume for the navigation system voice.
The SID module is used to display direction and distance to the next exchange.

The navigation unit contains a GPS receiver that receives satellite signals and uses them to calculate the car's position.
The DVD unit is used for the digital maps that are available; one disc for the EU and one for the US. The DVD unit also contains a gyroscope that keeps track of the car's course.

All units in the navigation system are protected against theft by virtue of their "marriage" with the car.
The navigation unit, radio, DVD unit and control panel use the O-bus to communicate with each other. The car's speed comes in the form of a bus message to the system from the I-bus.