Bus messages, ACC

Bus messages, ACC

For a detailed description of the car's bus system, see bus and diagnostics communication, detailed description .

ACC uses the following information

Bus messages Value/Unit Transmitter Description
Parking heater active On/Off AHM When the heater is activated via the ICM with the ignition off, the ACC will begin to adjust the car climate
Auxiliary heater, coolant temperature °C AHM The ACC selects the highest coolant temperature value from the ECM and AHM. Fan current and air distribution are adjusted as a function of the value
Steering wheel side Right/Left BCM ACC controls air distribution as a function of the driver's side temperature adjustment. The passenger cannot select Hi or Lo if the driver has not done so
Key position, ignition switch Lock Off On Start CIM ACC activated via bus
Windscreen washer, lever active On/Off CIM The message allows automatic recirculation selection for a 30s duration after washer activation. The purpose of the function is to reduce odour emanating from washer fluid additives
VIN Number 10-17 CIM DTC generated if ACC has a different VIN than the CIM.
Car speed km/h ECM Speed value is used for the recirculation function and calculation model for the cabin temperature
Coolant temperature °C ECM The value is used for cold start identification. Air distribution and fan speed are set as a function of the temperature.
Engine running Not running, Idle speed, no idle ECM The information is used to reduce the electrical load when the engine is stationary
Engine speed rpm ECM The value is used as a safety backup if the "Engine running" information is incorrect
Personal ACC settings Auto Econ Off ICM ACC selects the setting depending on the personal settings made via SID and SIDC
Electrically heated rear window, personal settings Auto Manual ICM ACC selects the setting depending on the personal settings made via SID and SIDC
Instrument lighting, display value % ICM Display background lighting is controlled with this value
Instrument lighting, Night panel active On/Off ICM If Night Panel is active, the display is extinguished and the control lighting is dimmed
Instrument illumination, rheostat value % ICM The value controls control panel lighting
Cabin temperature, personal settings One-zone Two-zone ICM ACC selects the setting depending on the personal settings made via SID and SIDC
Air distribution, personal settings Defroster Panel Floor Defog Panel/Floor Tri-Level Panel/Floor/Defroster ICM ACC selects the setting depending on the personal settings made via SID and SIDC
Personal fan speed settings Higher Nominal Lower ICM ACC selects the setting depending on the personal settings made via SID and SIDC
Recirculation, personal settings On/Off ICM ACC selects the setting depending on the personal settings made via SID and SIDC
Seat heating, personal settings Auto/Manual ICM ACC selects the setting depending on the personal settings made via SID and SIDC
Temperature unit C/F ICM The value determines the display temperature unit
Electrically heated rear window On/Off REC The REC activates the electrically-heated rear window when ACC sends "On"
Wheel speed, front left rpm TCS/ESP The value is used as a safety backup if the "Car speed" information is incorrect
Soft top status Closed Upper sequence Lower sequence Open STC ACC uses the bus message to determine when ACC status must be changed. At opening this takes place when the value moves from "Closed" to "Upper sequence". At closing this takes place when the value moves from "Open" to "Lower sequence", i.e. when the soft top cover starts the closing operation. When the soft top is raised the system returns to AUTO mode and previously set temperature. When the soft top is folded down the system moves to manual temperature setting.