Heat exchanger

Heat exchanger

To remove

1. Place a container under the car and drain the coolant from the cooling system.

2. Dismantle the pipe from the heat exchanger by pulling up the clasp and pulling the pipe straight forwards.

3. Place a container under the car. Hold one of the pipes with a cloth. Blow compressed air into the other pipe so that the heat exchanger is drained of coolant.

4. Remove the glove box .

5. Dismantle the floor console's front side panel on the passenger side.

6. Dismantle the passenger acoustic insulation .

7. Dismantle the ACC module or the MCC module.

8. Remove the ashtray .

9. Remove the dashboard's side cover and the passenger side's A-pillar trim.

10. Dismantle the nuts holding the dashboard on the passenger side.

11. Dismantle the nuts holding the dashboard.

12. Remove the heat exchanger's cover.

13. Dismantle the pipe clamps from the heat exchanger.

14. Pull the pipes out from the heat exchanger.

15. Carefully pull out the dashboard on the passenger side. Carefully pull out the heat exchanger.

To fit

1. Replace the O-rings. Insert the heat exchanger into position.

2. Carefully insert the dashboard into position on the passenger side.

3. Fit the pipes onto the heat exchanger and fit the pipe clamps.

4. Fit the heat exchanger's cover.

5. Fit the nuts that hold the centre of the dashboard.

6. Fit the nuts holding the dashboard on the passenger side.

7. Fit the dashboard's side cover and the passenger side's A-pillar trim.

8. Fit the ashtray .

9. Fit the ACC module or the MCC module.

10. Fit the passenger acoustic insulation .

11. Fit the floor console's front side panel on the passenger side.

12. Refit the glove box .

13. Fit the pipes onto the heat exchanger.

14. Fill the cooling system with coolant and vent the cooling system .