Tipping spring, manual front seat, CV

Tipping spring, manual front seat, CV

To remove

1. Remove Backrest upholstery, front seat, CV .

2. Remove Seat upholstery/cushion, front seat, CV .

3. Remove Belt reel inner cover, front seat, CV .

4. Unplug the connector from the inertia reel.

5. Remove the bolt securing the inertia reel and remove the inertia reel.

6. Tipp the backrest forward.

7. Remove the spring from the backrest springs.

8. Remove one of the springs for tipping the backrest using a screwdriver.

9. Remove the other spring for tipping the backrest using a screwdriver.

To fit

1. Fold up the backrest.

2. Fit one of the springs for tipping the backrest using locking pliers and a screwdriver.

3. Fold down the backrest.

4. Fit the other spring for tipping the backrest using locking pliers.

5. Fit the spring to the backrest springs.

6. Fold back the backrest.

7. Fit the inertia reel and plug in the belt tensioner connector.

8. Fit the belt reel inner cover .

9. Fit the seat upholstery .

10. Fit the backrest upholstery .