ACC / B0226 01

Read the instructions below then start the fault diagnostic procedure.

Symptom: Possible poor air quality in cabin. Possible problem with mist on car windows. Possible inferior AC performance in high outdoor temperatures.

  B0226 01

Recirculation Motor. Short to B+

Fault symptom

Possible poor air quality in cabin.

Possible problem with mist on car windows.

Possible inferior AC performance in high outdoor temperatures.

On-board diagnosis

Type of diagnosis:


Enable criteria:

Ignition ON.
Recirculation motor activated.

Fault criteria:

Short-circuit to B+ on recirculation motor circuit.

System reaction to a fault:


Checking the wiring harness

Move the wiring harness at several spots and in several directions to reveal intermittent breaks and short-circuits. Check switches, connectors and crimp connections for oxidation, retracted pins and pin clamping force.

Diagnostic help

Symptoms can vary depending on where the fault is located.