Battery check during in-storage care

Battery check during in-storage care


Battery condition should be checked at an interval of max. 30 days.

1. Switch off all consumers and check that the text "Transport fuse removed" appears in the main instrument unit. If not: Put the car in transport mode - see Transport mode/customer mode of car's electrical system . Then remove the ignition key from the ignition switch.


Some diagnostic trouble codes may be generated if the battery check is carried out with the key in the ignition switch.

2. Check the battery electrolyte level. The battery cannot be topped up with electrolyte. It must be replaced if the level is too low.


The electrolyte level is checked through an indicator window on the battery that appears white if the level is too low. If the electrolyte level is sufficiently high, the indicator window appears black.

3. Remove the cover from the underhood electrical centre (UEC).

4. Remove fuse 30. Wait at least 20 seconds before connecting the battery analyser .

5. Connect the battery analyser with the red clamp to the positive terminal (+) and the black clamp to the negative terminal (-). Incorrect polarity will not damage the analyser. Make sure that the clamps make as good contact as possible.

Follow the instructions on the analyser display.


Once both clamps are connected, the analyser activates automatically. For a more detailed description on analyser use, see the analyser's user manual.

6. Under "SELECT TEST", choose whether the battery is connected to the car's electrical system ("IN VEHICLE") or not ("OUTSIDE VEHICLE"). Select ("IN VEHICLE") since the battery is connected to the car.

7. Under "BATTERY TYPE", select whether the battery is factory-fitted ("SAAB BATTERY") or a replacement battery from another manufacturer ("NON-SAAB").

8. Confirm "SELECT TEST BY SAE (A)" if the battery's cold starting current is specified as per CCA (SAE or EN) standard. For batteries specified as per DIN standard, select and confirm "SELECT TEST BY DIN (A)".


CCA (SAE or EN) always applies to Saab factory-fitted batteries.


The DIN standard can be selected when the analyser is used to test replacement batteries that are not specified according to SAE or EN.

9. Enter the cold starting current specified for the battery in question (CCA). For factory-fitted batteries, this value is found in large text on the label on the top of the battery.

60 Ah = 580 CCA

70 Ah = 700 CCA

85 Ah = 750 CCA

After selecting and confirming the value, battery measurement starts automatically.

Under certain voltage and conductance conditions, the analyser will require information on whether the test is being performed before or after the battery has been charged in order to assess it correctly.


Follow the action suggested by the battery analyser:

Good battery = Battery is good. No action.

Good, recharge battery = Battery must be charged, but not replaced.

Replace battery = Battery must be replaced.

10. Fill in the battery card.

11. Note the test code when the analyser has indicated that the battery must be replaced within the warranty period. The test code from this measurement must then accompany the warranty claim (for more information, see Warranty policy).


Also check the replacement battery with the battery analyser before fitting it in the car. If the cold cranking amperage of the replacement battery is not specified according to SAE or EN standard, it can be measured according to DIN standard.

12. Fit fuse 30 and check that the transport fuse is in the TRANSPORT position.


After fuse 30 has been removed the ignition key must be inserted and removed, after which the key can be inserted and turned to "Ignition on".

13. Fit the cover over the underhood electrical centre (UEC).