Trionic 8, Mode 06

Trionic 8, Mode 06


For vehicles produced prior to December 2004, the handling of MIDs 01, A2, A3, A4 and A5 is incorrect and function as follows.

MID01, TID07 & 08: The test and limit values are fixed and do not reset at code clear, nor do they ever change values.

MID A2, A3, A4, A5: Min and max limits do not reset to 0 at code clear.

MID TIME Unit/scale Fault Code supported Data Range (For information only) Resolution (For information only)
O2 sensor, B1S1
$01 $01 0B Rich to lean threshold voltage 0 to 65.535 V 0.001 V/bit
$02 0B Lean to rich threshold voltage 0 to 65.535 V 0.001 V/bit
$07 0B Minimum sensor voltage 0 to 65.535 V 0.001 V/bit
$08 0B Maximum sensor voltage 0 to 65.535 V 0.001 V/bit
$80 24 P0133 Response test, combustion counts 0 to 65535 (raw data) 1 /bit
$81 24 P0133 Response test, switch counts 0 to 65535 (raw data) 1 /bit
$82 24 P1132 Switch point diagnostic, rich limit 0 to 65535 (raw data) 1 /bit
$83 24 P1131 Switch point diagnostic, lean limit 0 to 65535 (raw data) 1 /bit
O2 sensor, B1S2
$02 $07 0B Minimum sensor voltage 0 to 65.535 V 0.001 V/bit
$07 0B Maximum sensor voltage 0 to 65.535 V 0.001 V/bit
Catalyst monitor
$21 $80 10 P0420 Catalyst monitor, evaluated value 0 to 65535 ms 1 ms/bit
EVAP monitor, large leak
$3A $81 01 P0455 EVAP monitor leak factor. 0 to 65535 counts 1 count/bit
EVAP monitor, 0.040"
$3B $82 01 P0442 EVAP monitor leak factor. 0 to 65535 counts 1 count/bit
EVAP monitor, 0.020"
$3C $83 01 P0456 EVAP monitor leak factor. 0 to 65535 counts 1 count/bit
The same value is reported in MID:s 3A, 3B, and 3C. When a large leak is present, all CID:s will show "Fail".
AIR monitor
$71 $81 01 Main AIR test, evaluated value 0 to 65535 counts 1 count/bit
Misfire Monitor
$A2 $0B 24 P0300/P0301 EWMA misfire counts, cylinder 1
$0C 24 P0300/P0301 DCY misfire counts, cylinder 1
$A3 $0B 24 P0300/P0302 EWMA misfire counts, cylinder 2
$0C 24 P0300/P0302 DCY misfire counts, cylinder 2
$A4 $0B 24 P0300/P0303 EWMA misfire counts, cylinder 3
$0C 24 P0300/P0303 DCY misfire counts, cylinder 3
$A5 $0B 24 P0300/P0304 EWMA misfire counts, cylinder 4
$0C 24 P0300/P0304 DCY misfire counts, cylinder 4