Body measurement system, Car-O-Tronic Classic Vision

Body measurement system, Car-O-Tronic Classic Vision

Car-O-Tronic Vision is a quick and accurate computerised measurement system. It leads you through the entire alignment process and performs automatic centring, measurement and documentation of the work. The system is photo-based and integrated with a vehicle database. It is fully compatible with all alignment jigs on the market, regardless of make, and can measure from any point whatsoever.

User instructions are given right on the screen, making the system extremely easy to learn and use.

The measurement sled communicates by means of BlueTooth.

Car-O-Tronic can be easily transferred between different work bays. Damage analyses can be performed even before the vehicle is set up in the alignment jig. This makes Car-O-Tronic an excellent instrument for damage assessments and vehicle inspections.

1 Car-O-Tronic Classic, electronic measurement system MC12 1410000014
1 Car-O-Tronic Vision, electronic measurement system MC50 1410000015