Main wiring harness

Main wiring harness

The spare parts net contains 6 extra connectors at the right A-pillar. These are connected differently depending on car variant. See the following:

If the car has an immobilizer switch on the clutch pedal:

Connect the 2-pin natural coloured sleeve connector with the 2-pin black pin connector.

If the car DOES NOT HAVE an immobilizer switch on the clutch pedal:

Connect the 2-pin natural coloured sleeve connector with the 2-pin blue pin connector.

If the car has either engine B284 or Z19 with automatic gearbox:

Connect the 3-pin natural coloured sleeve connector with the 3-pin grey pin connector.

If the car has either engine B284 or Z19 with manual gearbox:

Connect the 3-pin natural coloured sleeve connector with the 3-pin black pin connector.