Electrically adjustable seat CV RH

Electrically adjustable seat CV RH

List of components

No Name location Illustration
357 Electrically adjustable seat switch on the outside of the seat towards the door
357a Motor, length adjustment, electrically adjustable seat in the seat under the seat cushion
357b Motor, tilt adjustment, electrically adjustable seat in the seat under the seat cushion
357c Motor, height adjustment, electrically adjustable seat in the seat under the seat cushion
357d Motor, backrest adjustment, electrically adjustable seat in the seat under the seat cushion
357r Relay unit, seat in the seat under the seat cushion
369f Microswitch for backrest folded forwards, seat at bottom of seat backrest
369r Microswitch, easy entry handle activated, seat at bottom of seat backrest
446 Electrically adjustable seat relay, in the rear electrical centre
701 Rear electrical centre, on wall behind LH rear wheel housing 4 25
40 pin connector
H40-2 Under right-hand seat.
J106 Approx. 50 mm from the right-hand seat
J167 Approx. 10 mm from branching point relay unit towards seat switch
J168 Approx. 350 mm from switch unit
Grounding points
G34P By the floor below the right A-pillar (black tape)