Speedometer, bus information

Speedometer, bus information

Bus message Type of information Sender User Description
Key position, ignition switch Lock Off On Start CIM MIU MIU
Vehicle speed km/h ECM MIU MIU
Wheel Speed LF 0-4095 rpm TCS/ESP ECM The wheel speed sensor emits a frequency, 0-2000 Hz, which increases as the wheel speed increases. The TCS/ESP transmits the current wheel speed, front left. The ECM uses this value and converts it into vehicle speed in km/h.
Wheel Speed LR 0-4095 rpm TCS/ESP ECM The wheel speed sensor emits a frequency, 0-2000 Hz, which increases as the wheel speed increases. The TCS/ESP transmits the current wheel speed, rear left. The ECM uses this value and converts it into vehicle speed in km/h.