Checking and adjusting basic charging pressure

Checking and adjusting basic charging pressure


1. Remove the battery cover, the radiator pipe and engine cover.

2. Attach the battery cables and fit the battery.

3. Undo the main fuse box in front of the battery tray and move it aside.

4. Detach the fuse holder from the battery tray.

5. Remove the cable duct from the battery tray.

6. Unplug the bonnet switch connector, undo the cable clip and remove the battery tray.

7. Remove the turbocharger's upper heat shield.

8. Detach the hose from the diaphragm box.

9. Remove the control arm circlip with 83 94 538 Circlip tool .


Take care so that the circlip does not fall down behind the turbocharger.

10. Grip the pushrod with 83 94 066 Pliers or similar and undo the lock nut.

11. Detach the pushrod from the control arm.

12. Move the control arm on the wastegate to the "Closed" position and adjust the end piece so that the pushrod can easily be fitted on the control arm pin.

13. Detach the pushrod from the control arm pin. Turn the end piece clockwise about 2 turns to attain a tension of 2 mm. Hook the pushrod to the control arm pin.

14. Connect 30 14 883 Pressure/vacuum pump to the diaphragm box and 83 93 514 Charge pressure meter .

15. Carefully pump up an overpressure and read off the pressure on the pressure gauge just as the control rod starts to move (approx. 1 mm). The pressure should be 26.5 - 28.5 kPa.

16. If the pressure is too low, shorten the rod until the correct pressure is obtained.

17. Undo the control rod and apply a thin layer of 90 513 210 Universal paste or similar to the control arm pin.

18. Fit the control rod with a new clip. Use bottle-nose pliers.

19. Remove the pressure gauge and pump.

20. Refit the hose to the diaphragm box.

21. Fit the turbocharger's upper heat shield.

22. Plug in the bonnet switch connector, fit the cable clip and install the battery tray.

23. Fit the cable duct on the battery tray.

24. Fit the fuse holder on the battery tray.

25. Install the main fuse box in front of the battery tray.

26. Fit the battery and attach the cables.

27. Fit the engine cover, radiator pipe and battery cover.

28. Restore the car, see Procedures after reconnecting the battery .

29. Carry out charge air adaptation:


Charge air adaptation must be carried out in as high a gear as possible. If charge air adaptation is not carried out, the customer must be made aware that engine torque may fluctuate slightly the first few times during hard acceleration.

29.a. Warm up the engine.

29.b. Accelerate full throttle at 2000 rpm a few times. The time the engine speed is in the range 2000-4000 rpm must exceed 2 seconds.