Engine block

Engine block

Cylinder bore

Classification codes
Category A mm 82.000 - 82.010
Category B mm 82.010 - 82.020
Category C mm 82.020 - 82.030

Cylinder dimensions
Permitted conicity mm < 0.005
Permitted ovality mm < 0.05
Cylinder liner oversize mm 0.1

The new cylinder classification marking must be applied after reboring the cylinders.

Cylinder block

Raised cylinder block mm 236.5

Cylinder head

Lowest permitted height of cylinder head mm 105.95 - 107.05
Flatness deviation of bottom surface of cylinder head mm 0.1 - 0.05

Cylinder head gaskets

Gasket thickness Gasket thickness Max average piston height above cylinder block face
No gasket punch 0.900 - 1.000 0.110 - 0.230
Gasket punched, one hole 1.000 - 1.100 0.231 - 0.330
Gasket punched, two holes 1.100 - 1.200 0.331 - 0.425