Check list, is filled in before changing transmission

Check list, is filled in before changing transmission

Completed by, name: Importer no: Dealer no:
Date: Telephone: Transmission:............ Clutch:............. Flywheel:...........
Mileage: Model: Gearbox serial number:
Engine Type: Vehicle Identification Number:
The customer's description of the fault symptoms:



System, (CIM, TCM, ECU etc.)...................................................

Write X in appropriate boxes

Operation Noise
Symptoms Gears Velocity Noise Driving conditions Occurrence
No forward gears N-1 0 Wind whistle Acceleration Always
No reverse gear N-R 0-20 Grinding noise Deceleration Often
Difficult to select a gear 1-2 20-40 Grating noise Acceleration and deceleration Sometimes
Noise 2-1 40-60 Rattling noise. Constant speed Cold engine
Vibrations 2-3 60-80 Other.......... Engine idling Hot engine
The gear disengages 3-2 80-100 Clutch pedal not depressed Number of times per week..........
Vibrations 3-4 100-120 Clutch pedal 25% depressed
4-3 120- Clutch pedal 50% depressed
4-5 Miles Clutch pedal 100% depressed
5-4 km

Visual Inspection Other points to check
Damaged Leakage in the hydraulic system Gearbox/selector lever cable
Oil leaks Master Cylinder Incorrect oil level
Not an approved part Delivery pipe Incorrectly positioned selector lever cable
A part is missing Slave cylinder Poorly fitted drive shaft
Loose part Poor fit of gearbox to engine

Mark the position of any leaks on the illustrations below