Rear floor, complete, 5D

Rear floor, complete, 5D

To remove

1. Mount the car in an alignment jig and align as necessary.

2. Remove the Rear bumper abutment, 5D .

3. Measure out 90 mm from the crossmember and cut the floor straight across according to the marks.

4. Drill out the spot welds.

5. Drill out the spot welds through the bracket and the floor, double thickness of metal (marked in grey).

6. Remove the floor and align any deformed metal.

To fit

1. Cut the new floor in line with the crossmember. The spare part must overlap the old floor and lie against the crossmember.

2. Grind all surfaces that are to be welded.

3. Apply welding primer to all surfaces that are to be plug or spot welded.

4. Position the rear floor and secure with clamps. The spare part must overlap the old floor and lie against the crossmember.

5. Weld on the floor.

6. Grind the welds.

7. Wash away surplus welding primer. Welding primer reduces the adhesion of paint, filler and sealant.

8. Apply primer to all bare metal surfaces.

9. Seal joints and seams with sealant.

10. Apply PVC substitute underneath the floor.

11. Apply a thin coat of anti-corrosion agent in members and cavities after painting.

12. Fit the Rear bumper abutment, 5D .