Front door's upper rubber strip

Front door's upper rubber strip

To remove

1. Open the window about 5 cm.

2. Remove the door trim and fold down the moisture barrier.

3. Remove the cover from the window frame cover and the window frame cover.

4. Remove the door mirror.

5. Remove the outer weatherstrip.

6. Remove the side window.

7. Pull out the rubber clips from the front edge of the strip.

8. Pull off the strip from the window frame's front edge.

9. Pull out the strip from the front glass channel.

10. Loosen the strip a little from the window frame to loosen the strip the top edge of glass channel.

11. Continue to pull off the strip from the window frame.

12. Lift out the strip from the rear glass channel and pull out the strip.

13. Pull it off from the corner.

To fit

1. Loosen the rear cover's screws a little.

2. Start by fitting the strip on the rear corner of the door.

3. Insert the strip between the cover and door. Make sure the strip's flange hooks around the door's plate flange.

4. Now place the strip on the front of the door and pull the strip from the inside of the door so that the strip's flange hooks around the plate seam.

5. Tighten the screws in the rear window frame cover.

6. Push down the strip in the rear glass channel by using the removal tool.

7. Make sure the strip lies behind the plate seam.

8. Pull the strip forwards so that the strip fits against the upper front glass channel.

9. Press in the front strip against the door's side strip.

10. Press in the rubber clip.

11. Fit the remaining part of the upper strip around the window frame.

12. Push down the strip in the front glass channel. If necessary use a long screwdriver to push it into the right position.

13. Fit the side window. Make sure that the side window is placed in the rubber-covered bracket and that the rubber bracket is located correctly. (Image taken from outside)

14. Tighten the window bolts.

15. Test winding the window up and down a few times to check the function of the window.

16. Check the fit of the strip.

17. Fit the weatherstrip.

18. Fit the door mirror

19. Fit the cover into the window frame cover and the window frame cover.

20. Fit the moisture barrier and door trim.

21. Check the fit of the strip.

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