Boot lid trim

Boot lid trim

To remove

1. Open the boot lid.

2. Remove the inside handle.

3. Detach the trim clips.

4. US/CA: Detach the emergency opening handle from the trim. Detach the wire from the handle.

5. Slightly fold aside the trim from the lock cover.

6. Free the trim clips.

7. Remove the trim from the boot lid.

To fit

1. Lift up the trim.

2. US/CA: Manoeuvre the wire of the emergency opening handle in through the trim.

3. Guide the trim in towards the lock cover.

4. Guide in and fasten the locating clips.

5. Fit the clips.

6. Fit the inner handle.

7. US/CA: Assemble the emergency opening handle to the wire. Fit the handle to the trim. Check that the emergency opening handle functions correctly.

8. Shut the boot lid.