EVAP pressure sensor (585), E39

EVAP pressure sensor (585), E39


EVAP pressure sensor (585), E39

Main task

The pressure sensor is used for onboard diagnostics to detect leakage in the purge system.


A pressure sensor, the value of which is adapted to 0 kPa for ignition providing the coolant temperature is lower than 40°C and the fuel level is below 50 litres.


585 pin no. Signal type Description
A Ground Connected to ECM pin 26(A).
B Signal Connected to ECM pin 9(A).
C Power supply, 5 V Connected to ECM pin 10(A).

The pressure sensor is powered with 5 V from ECM, control module, E39 (590), pin 10(A), via connector housing H24-2 and H10-3.

It is grounded in ECM in pin 26(A), via connector housing H10-3 and H24-2 and crimp J229.

Depending on the pressure difference between the tank and atmosphere, the pressure sensor supplies a proportional voltage to ECM, pin 9(A), via connector housing H10-3 and H24-2.