E39 / P0068 00
Read the instructions below then
start the fault diagnostic procedure.
Symptom: Check Engine
Performance loss.
The motor may turn off.
Incorrect Throttle Position in Relation to Actual Mass Air

Fault symptom
Check Engine
Performance loss.
The motor may turn off.
On-board diagnosis
Type of diagnosis:
Enable criteria:
Fault criteria:
Calculated air mass, based on the throttle angle and engine speed, do not correspond with the current air mass. |
System reaction to a fault:
Fault handling:
(See section Fault handling III, "Other emission-related components and functions" for more information.) |
Checking the wiring harness
Jiggle the wiring harness at several points to detect intermittent breaks or short circuits. Check also the connector for oxidation or loose pins.
Diagnostic help
Diagnosis regards:
First check the integrity of the intake system. Then continue with fault diagnosis. |
Functions in the diagnostic tool related to the fault:
(See also description of readings/activations in diagnostic tool) |