E39 / P0442 00

Read the instructions below then start the fault diagnostic procedure.

Symptom: Check Engine Possible smell of petrol.

  P0442 00

EVAP. Small Leakage in System.

Fault symptom

Check Engine

Possible smell of petrol.

On-board diagnosis

Type of diagnosis:

Once per driving cycle. Stopped when fault criteria are fulfilled or OK reported.
The diagnosis is cancelled if the ignition is turned on or if refuelling is carried out.
The diagnosis runs after engine shut off.

Enable criteria:

Engine running more than 10 minutes.
Fuel level between 10% and 90%.
Distance covered is more than 5 km in the last driving cycle.
Vehicle speed over 15 km/h
More than 17 hours since the last test was performed.
At least 10 hours must have passed if the last test is interrupted by e.g. ignition on or refuelling.
Ambient temperature between 0-34°C.
Ignition Off

NONE of the following DTCs must be detected:
P0101, P0102, P0103
P0111, P0112, P0113
P0116, P0117, P0118, P0119
P0443, P0446, P0449
P0451, P0452, P0453, P0454, P0455
P0461, P0462, P0463
P2066, P2067, P2068
P2227, P2228, P2229, P2230
Phase 1:
The diagnosis is performed by closing the cut-off valve and the pressure will initially increase and then decrease as the fuel cools. When the pressure has dropped 62 Pa from the highest measured pressure, the cut-off valve opens for 60 s to pressure equalise the system. The valve is then closed.

Phase 2:
The fuel continues to cool and a vacuum is formed. When the pressure has dropped 62 Pa from when pressure equalizing has occurred, the diagnosis is finished.

Fault criteria:

An insufficient pressure change corresponds to a small leak, a hole of a diameter of 0.5 and greater.

System reaction to a fault:


OK report:

Diagnostics carried out without fault reported.

Fault handling:

Type III
(See section Fault handling III, "Other emission-related components and functions" for more information.)

Diagnostic help

Diagnosis regards:

A small leakage of more than 0.5 mm.
An improperly screwed fuel cap is often the reason this diagnostic trouble code is generated. Before beginning fault diagnosis, check that the tank cap is properly fitted.

Functions in the diagnostic tool related to the fault:

Canister Purge Valve
Canist. Close Valve
Initiate EVAP Diagnosis
EVAP Flow Test
Seal EVAP System

(See also description of readings/activations in diagnostic tool)