E39 / P0455 00

Read the instructions below then start the fault diagnostic procedure.

Symptom: CHECK ENGINE Possible smell of petrol.

  P0455 00

EVAP. Serious Leakage in System.

Fault symptom


Possible smell of petrol.

On-board diagnosis

Type of diagnosis:

Once per driving cycle.

Enable criteria:

The battery voltage must be over 11 V.
Engine running more than 17 minutes.
Coolant temperature upon start between 3.8 °C and 35.3 °C.
Ambient temperature between 4-30°C.
Fuel level between 10% and 90%.
Atmospheric pressure more than 70 kPa.
NONE of the following DTCs must be detected:
P0106, P0107, P0108
P0112, P0113
P0116, P0117, P0118, P0119 P0128
P0122, P0123, P0222, P0223
P0443, P0446, P0452, P0453, P0454
P2227, P2228, P2229, P2230
Phase 1:
The diagnosis is performed by closing the shut-off valve and opening the evap canister purge valve while the tank pressure is being registered. The pressure should then drop.

Phase 2:
Bleeder valve closed; pressure increase in Pa/s calculated. Pressure must not rise too much.

Fault criteria:

The pressure does not fall by 2740 Pa or the time required to reach the required pressure change is too long.

Diagnostic help

Diagnosis regards:

Large leak over 2.5mm.
Blockage in suction line to evap canister purge valve or a detached hose can cause this DTC.
An improperly screwed fuel cap is often the reason this diagnostic trouble code is generated. Before beginning fault diagnosis, check that the tank cap is properly fitted.

Functions in the diagnostic tool related to the fault:

Canister Purge Valve
Canist. Close Valve

Initiate EVAP Diagnosis
EVAP Flow Test
Seal EVAP System

(See also description of readings/activations in diagnostic tool)