Abbreviations and Meanings

Abbreviations and Meanings

Abbreviation Meaning
A Ampere(s)
A/C Air Conditioning
A/D Analog to Digital
A/DFL Air Deflector
A/F Air/Fuel Ratio
A/T Automatic Transmission/Transaxle
AAT Ambient Air Temperature
ABS Antilock Brake System, Absorber
Abv Above
AC Alternating Current
Acc Access
ACC Automatic Climate Control, Accumulator
Accel Acceleration
Acclrm Accelerometer
Acclrtm Acceleration
Accum Accumulator
Accy Accessory
ACL Air Cleaner
ACM Air Conditioning Module
Acnt Accent
Acsry Accessory
Act Actual
Actr Actuator
ACTV Activate
ACR4 Air Conditioning Refrigerant, Recovery, Recycling, Recharging
AD Automatic Disconnect, Accommodated Device
Adap Adapter
Adapt Adaptive
Adapts Adapters
Addt Additive
ADG Accommodated Device Gateway
Adhes Adhesive
Adj Adjust
Adjr Adjuster
ADL Automatic Door Lock
ADMIN Administrative
Ads Adsorber
ADS Auxiliary Discriminating Sensor
Adv Advanced
AFECM Alternative Fuel Engine Control Module
AFM Active Fuel Management, Air Flow Meter
AFO Alternative Fuel Operation
AFR Air Fuel Ratio
Aft After
AH Active Handling
AHRS Amp Hours
AI Air Inlet
AIR Secondary Air Injection
AI Aluminum
ALC Automatic Level Control, Automatic Lamp Control
ALDL Assembly Line Diagnostic Link
ALM Automatic Level Module
ALS All Seasons - A tire specification
Alt Alternative, Altitude
AM/FM Amplitude Modulation/Frequency Modulation
Amb Ambient
Amm Ammeter
Amp Ampere, Amplifier
Ampf Amplifier
Amps Amperages
Amt Armature
Anc Anchor
Ant Antenna
AP Accelerator Pedal
APCM Accessory Power Control Module
API American Petroleum Institute
APLQ Applique
APM Accelerator Pedal Module, Accessory Power Module
APP Accelerator Pedal Position
APPL Application
Apr April
APT Adjustable Part Throttle
APU Auxiliary Power Unit
APV All Purpose Vehicle
ARS Adaptive Receptive System
ASC Anti-Slip Control
Asm Assembly
ASM Accelerator and Servo Control Module, Alarm Siren Module
ASR Traction control
ASST Assist
AT Automatic Transmission
ATA Automatic Transmission Actuator
ATC Automatic Transfer Case, Automatic Temperature Control, Automatic Traction Control, Axle Torque Capacity
ATCH Attach
ATD Allison Transmission Division
ATDC After Top Dead Center
ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid
ATS Air Temperature Sensor
ATV All Terrain Vehicle
ATSLC Automatic Transmission Shift Lock Control
Aug August
Auto Automatic
Aux Auxiliary
Avg Average
A4WD Automatic Four-Wheel Drive
AWD All-Wheel Drive
AWG American Wire Gauge
B/C BellCrank
B/JNT Ball Joint
B/U Back Up
B+ Battery Positive Voltage
BAI Blower Air Inlet
BAL Balance
BALR Balancer
BARO Barometric Pressure
BARR Barrier
BAS Belt Alternator System, Brake Apply Sensor
BATT Battery
BBV Brake Booster Vacuum
BCA Bias Control Assembly
BCM Body Control Module
BD Panel
BEC Bus Electrical Center
BFC Body Function Controller
BFL Baffle
BHD Bulkhead
BG Beige
BHP Brake Horsepower
BIW Body In White
BK Black
BKG Backing
BKL Buckle
BKLT Booklet
BKT Bucket
BL Bleed
BLK Block, Black
BLO Blower
Blts Belts
BLU Blue
BLW Brake Lining Wear
Bn Bank
BN Brown
BOM Bill Of Material
BP Back Pressure
BPCM Battery Pack Control Module
BPMV Brake Pressure Modulator Valve
BPP Brake Pedal Position
BPR Bumper
BR Brace
BRD Braid
BRDR Border
BRG Bearing
BRK Brake
BRKR Breaker
BRKT Bracket
BRN Brown
BTCM Brake Torque Control Module
BTDC Before Top Dead Center
BTM Battery Thermal Module
BTSI Brake Transmission Shift Interlock
BTU British Thermal Units
BU Blue
°C Degrees Celsius
C/BAL Counterbalance
C/CASE Crankcase
C/LP Courtesy Lamps
C/LTR Cigarette Lighter
C/MBR Crossmember
C/O Carryover
C/OVR Crossover
C/PLR Center Pillar
C/SHF Cross Shaft
C/VLV Control Valve
CABT Cabinet
CAC Charge Air Cooler
CAFE Corporate Average Fuel Economy
Cal Calibration
Calc Calculated
CALN Calibration
CALR Calibrator
Cam Camshaft
CAN Controller (Control) Area Network
CANC Cancel
CAPAC Capacitor
CARB Carburetor, California Air Resources Board
CARR Support
CASE Crankshaft Angle Sense Error
Cass Cassette
CAV Holes
CBL Cable
CC Coast Clutch, Climate Control
cm 3 Cubic Centimeters
CCM Convenience Charge Module, Chassis Control Module, Central Control Module
CCOT Cycling Clutch Orifice Tube
CCP Climate Control Panel
CCW Counter Clock-Wise
CD Compact Disc
CD/PLYR Compact Disc Player
CDX Compact Disc Changer
CE Commutator End
CEAB Cold Engine Air Bleed
CEMF Counter Electromotive Force
CEX Cabin Heat Exchanger
CFM Cubic Feet per Minute
CG Center of Gravity
CHAN Channel
CHAS Chassis
CHEM Chemical
CHK Check
CHMBR Chamber
CHRG Charge
CID Cubic Inch Displacement
CIU Charge Interface Unit
CKP Crankshaft Position (Sensor)
Ckt Circuit
C/LTR Cigar Lighter
CL Closed Loop, Clear, Clutch, Clamp
CLA Clamp
CLER Clearance
CLG Cooling
CLK Clock
CLNG Clean-up
CLNR Cleaner
CLPR Caliper
CLR Cooler, Color
CLSR Closure
CLS Coolant Level Switch
CLU Clutch
CLV Clevis
cm Centimeter
CM/SHF Camshaft
CMC Compressor Motor Controller
Cmd Command
Cmmd Commanded
CMP Camshaft Position, Component
CMPD Compound
CMPR Compressor
CMPRN Compression
CMPTR Computer
CNCT Contact
CNDCT Conductor
CNDSR Condenser
CNG Compressed Natural Gas
CNSL Console
CNSTR Canister
CNTNR Container
CNTR Counter
CO Carbon Monoxide
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
COAX Coaxial
COL Column
COLR Collar
COMB Combination
Combo Combination
COML Commercial
Comm Communication
COMP Compensator
Compl Complete(d)
COMPT Compartment
Cond Condition
Config Alignment
CONN Connector
Const Constant
CONT Control
CONTAM Contamination
CONV Converter
COOL Coolant
COR Cornering
CORP Corporation
COT Cotter
CPA Connector Position Assurance
CPLG Clutch
CPLY Capillary
CPN Clutch
CPP Clutch Pedal Position
CPS Childseat Positioning Sensor, Central Power Supply
CPSL Capsule
CPT Carpet
CPU Central Processing Unit
CR Cross, Cream
CR/SHF Crankshaft
CRK Crank
CRSN Corrosion
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
CRTC Cathode Ray Tube Controller
CS Charging System
CSFI Central Sequential Fuel Injection
CSTG Casting
CSTR Cluster
CTD Coated, Content Theft Deterrent
CTG Coating
CTH Catch
CTHR Catcher
CTL Central
CTLTC Catalytic
CTN Carton
CTP Closed Throttle Position
CTR Center
Ctrl Control
CTSHF Countershaft
Ctsy Courtesy
CTUR Contour
CUR Current
CURT Curtain
CUSH Cushion
cu ft Cubic Foot/Feet
cu in Cubic Inch/Inches
CV Constant Velocity
CVR Cover
CVRSS Continuously Variable Road Sensing Suspension
CVRTD Continuously Variable Real Time Damping
CVT Continuously Variable Transaxle, Continuously Variable Transmission
CWT Counterbalance
CYC Cycle
Cyl Cylinder(s)
D Drive, Dark
D/CVR Dust Cover
D/EXH Dual Exhaust
D/O Double Offset
DA Dash
DAB Delayed Accessory Bus
dB Decibels
dBA Decibels on A-weighted Scale
dBm Decibel Meter
DC Direct Current, Duty Cycle
DCLR Decelerate
DCM Door Control Module
DDM Driver Door Module
DDN Deadener
DDS Driver Door (smart) Switch
DE Drive End
Dec December
DEC Digital Electronic Controller
Decel Decelerate
Def Defrost
DEFG Defrost
Defog Defrost
DEFR Defrost
Deg Degrees
Deg C Degrees Celsius
DEHYDR Dehydrator
Del Delivered
DEL Delete
DEPR Depression
DERM Diagnostic Energy Reserve Module
Des Desired
DES Data Encryption Standard
Desc Description
DFCO Deceleration Fuel Cut-Off
DFL Deflector
DI Distributor Ignition
Diag Troubleshooting
DIAG Diagonal
DIAGN Diaphragm
dia Diameter
DIC Driver Information Center
Diff Differential
Dig Digit
DIM Dash Integration Module, Dimension
DIMR Dimmer
DIR Direct
Dis Disable
DIS Display
DISCH Draining Procedure
Discrim Discriminate
DISCRM Discriminating
Disp Display
DISPL Displacement
DISPR Dispenser
DIST Range
DISTR Distributor
DIV Divider
DK Dark
DLC Data Link Connector, Diamond Like Carbon, Diamond Like Coating
DLC (S/P) Data Link Controller (Serial / Parallel)
DLVY Delivery
DM Dome
DMCM Drive Motor Control Module
DMG Damage
DMM Digital Multimeter
DMSDS Drive Motor Speed and Direction Sensor
DMU Drive Motor Unit
DN Down
DNR Dolby Noise Reduction
DNSHFT Downshift
DOC Document
DOHC Dual Overhead Camshafts
Dol Dolby
DPM Driver Position Module
DPNR Dampener
Dr Door
DRL Daytime Running Lights
DRN Drain
DRP Dynamic rear proportioning
DRVN Driven
Drvr Driver
DSCC Distance Sensing Cruise Control
DSCM Drivers Seat Control Module
DSGN Design
DSL Diesel
DSM Driver Seat Module
DSP Digital Signal Process
DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code
DTNT Detent
DTRNT Theft Deterrent
DVD Digital Versatile Disc
DVTR Diverter
DWG Drawing
Down Down
E&C Entertainment & Comfort
E/GATE Rear Liftgate
E/M English/Metric
EA Each
EBC Electronic Brake Control
EBCM Electronic Brake Control Module
EBM Electronic Brake Module
EBTCM Electronic Brake and Traction Control Module
EC Electrical Center, Engine Control
ECC Electronic Climate Control
ECI Extended Compressor at Idle
ECL Engine Coolant Level
ECM Engine Control Module, Electronic Control Module
Econ Economy
ECS Emission Control System
ECT Engine Coolant Temperature
ECU Electronic Control Unit
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EEVIR Evaporator Equalized Values in Receiver
EFE Early Fuel Evaporation
EFI Electronic Fuel Injection
EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation
EHA Electo Hydrostatic Actuator
EHCU Electric Hydraulic Control Unit
EGR TVV Exhaust Gas Recirculation Thermal Vacuum Valve
EHPS Electrohydraulic Power Steering
EI Electronic Ignition
EJCTR Ejector
EL Elbow
ELAP Elapsed
ELAS Elastic
ELB Symbol
ELC Electronic Level Control
Elec Electric
ELECT Electrode
ELEK Electronic
EMER Emergency
EMF Electromotive Force
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
EMIS Emission
EN Evaporative Canister
ENG Engine
ENGMT Enabling
ENGY Energy
ENGZR Amplifier
ENV Envelope
EOP Engine Oil Pressure
EOS Exhaust Oxygen Sensor
EOT Engine Oil Temperature
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPR Exhaust Pressure Regulator
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EPS Electric Power Steering
EQ Equalizer
EQLZR Equalizer
EQUIP Equipped
ESB Expansion Spring Brake
ESC Electronic Suspension Control
ESCUT Escutcheon
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
ESM Electronic Control Unit
ESN Electronic Serial Number
ESO Engine Shut Off
Est Estimated
ETC Electronic Throttle Control, Electronic Temperature Control, Electronic Timing Control
ETCC Electronic Touch Climate Control
ETR Electronically Tuned Receiver (Radio)
ETS Enhanced Traction System, Enhanced Traction System
EV Electric Vehicle
EVAP Evaporator
EVAP Evaporative Emission
EVO Electronic Variable Orifice
EVPR Evaporator
EX Exhaust
EXCH Exchanger
EXH Exhaust
EXPDG Expanding
EXPN Expansion
Ext Extended
EXT External
EXTN Extension
EXTR Outer
EYLT Eyelet
°F Degrees Fahrenheit
F Fahrenheit
F/AXL Front Axle
F/CMPT Front Compartment
F/D Front of Dash
F/END Front End
F/FDR Front Fender
F/FLR Front Floor
F/GA Fuel Gauge
F/IDL Fuel Idle
F/INJN Fuel Injection
F/INJR Fuel Injector
F/PMP Fuel Pump
F/RST Foot Rest
F/SEAT Front Seat
F/TNK Fuel Tank
F/TOP Folding Top
F4WD Full-time Four Wheel Drive
FAC Facing
FACT Factor
FC Fan Control
Fdbk Feedback
Feb February
FDC Fuel Data Center
FED Federal All United States except California
FEDS Fuel Enable Data Stream
FEIC Fuel Economy Integrated Counter
FET Field Effect Transistor
FEX Front End heat exchanger
FF Flexible Fuel
FFH Fuel-Fired Heater
FFV Flexible Fuel Vehicle
FI Fuel Injection
FICM Fuel Injector Control Module
FIL Filler
FILA Filament
Filt Filter
FIN Financial, Finish
FL Front Left
FLDG Folding
FLEX Flexible
FLG Flange
FLMBTY Flammability
Flr Floor
FLSHR Flasher
FLTR Filter
FLYWHL Flywheel
FM Frequency Modulation
FMVSS Federal U.S. Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
FNA Functional Name Address
FNM Functional Name Modifier
FORG Forging
FP Fuel Pump
FR Front Right
Freq Frequency
FRICT Friction
FRM Frame
FRM/U Frame Unit
Frnt Front
FRP Fuel Rail Pressure
FRT Front
FSCM Fuel System Control Module
ft Foot/Feet
FT Fuel Trim
FTG Fitting
ft-lb Foot-Pounds
FTP Fuel Tank Pressure
FV Front View
Fwd Forward
F4WD Full Time Four Wheel Drive
4WAL Four Wheel Antilock
4WD Four Wheel Drive
FW Flat Wire
FWD Front Wheel Drive, Forward
FWS Front Wheel Spoiler
g Grams, Gravitational Acceleration
G/MLDG Garnish Molding
G/NUT Gearnut
GA Gauge
GAL Gallery
gal Gallon
GARN Garnish
gas Gasoline
GCW Gross Combination Weight
GD Gold
GDE Steering
Gen Generator
GL Gear Lubricant
GLZ Glaze
GM General Motors
GM SPO General Motors Service Parts Operations
GN Green
Gnd Ground
GOV Governor
GOVT Government
GPDS Global Product Description System
GPM Gallons Per Minute
GPS Global Positioning System
GR Gear
GRL Grille
GRN Green
GROM Grommet
GRP Cluster
GRV Groove
GRVD Grooved
GRY Gray
GS Garage Shift, Gold Stripe
GTR Gutter
GUSS Gusset
GVAR Gross Vehicle Axle Rating
GVDP Global Vehicle Development Process
GVL Gravel
GVW Gross Vehicle Weight
GVWR Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (at ground)
GY Gray
H Hydrogen
H/C High Compression
H/PLR Hinge Pillar
H/PRF High Performance
H/RST Head Restraint
H/SHLD Heat Shield
H/W Hardware
H2O Water
HARN Harness
HC Hydrocarbons
HCM Heating Control Module, HVAC Control Module
HCP Hybrid Control Processor
HD Heavy Duty, Head
HDC Heavy Duty Cooling
HDL Handle
HDLNG Headliner
HDLP Headlamps
HDR Header
HDV Heavy Duty Vehicle
HDW Hardware
HE Hinge
HEV Hybrid Electric Vehicle
hex Hexagon, Hexadecimal
Hg Mercury
Hi High
Hi Alt High Altitude
HID High Intensity Discharge (headlamps)
Hist History
HLDR Support
HNGR Support
HO2S Heated Oxygen Sensor
HOLDN Hold Down
Horiz Horizontal
HP Horsepower
HPL High Pressure Liquid
HPM Hybrid Power Module
HPS High Performance System
HPV High Pressure Vapor
HPVS Heat Pump Ventilation System
Hr Hour
hrdw Hardware
Hrs Hours
HSG Case
HT Heat
HTCM HVAC Thermal Control Module
HTD Heated
Htr Heater
HUD Head Up Display
HV High Voltage, Hybrid Vehicle
HVAC Heater Ventilation Air Conditioning
HVACM Heater Vent Air Conditioning Module
HVIL High Voltage Interlock Loop
HVM Heater Vent Module
HVY Heavy
HW Heated Windshield
HWY Highway
HYD Hydraulic
Hz Hertz
I/M Inspection & Maintenance
I/O In/Out, Input/Output
I/P Instrument Panel
I/PEC Instrument Panel Electrical Center
I/S Inner
IA Intake Air
IAC Idle Air Control
IAT Intake Air Temperature
IC Integrated Circuit, Ignition Control
ICCS Integrated Chassis Control System
ICDX Integrated Compact Disc Changer
ICM Ignition Control Module
ICS Integrated Chassis System
ID Identification, Inside Diameter, Identifier
IDI Integrated Direct Ignition
IEA Impact Energy Absorber
IFF Injection Fuel Filter
IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
ign Ignition
ILC Idle Load Compensator
Illum Lighting
IMDX Integrated Mini Disc Changer
Immo Immobilizer
IMP Impact
IMRC Intake Manifold Runner Control
IMT Intake Manifold Tuning
In Inch/Inches
Inadv Inadvertent
Inc Surge
Incand Incandescent
INCLR Intercooler
IND Indictor
Infl Airbag
INFLR Inflator
Info Information
Init Initial
Inj Injector
INJN Injection
INJR Injector
INL Inlet
INR Inner
INS Insert
INSL Insulator
INSP Check
inst Instantaneous, Instant
INSTL Install
INSTR Instruction
Int Inner
INT Intake
IP Instrument Panel
IPC Instrument Panel Cluster
IPCM Instrument Panel Cluster Module
IPG Instrument Panel Glove box
IPL Instrument Panel, Lower
IPM Instrument Panel Module
IPR Instrument Panel Retainer
IPU Instrument Panel, Upper
IRVM Inside Rear View Mirror
IRVSM Inside Rear View Sensing Mirror
ISC Idle Speed Control
ISCM Idle Speed Control Motor
ISG Idle Speed Governor
ISM Input Switch Module
Iso Isolation
ISO International Standards Organization
ISP Integrated Spark Plug, Internet Service Provider
ISS Input Speed Shaft, Input Shaft Speed
ITCM Integrated Transmission Control Module
IVED Integrated Vehicle Electrical Design
IVER Integration Vehicle Engineering Release
K/UP Kick Up
KAM Keep Alive Memory
KDD Keyboard Display Driver
Kg Kilogram
Kg/h Kilograms per Hour
KHz Kilohertz
km Kilometer
Km/h Kilometers per Hour
Km/l Kilometers per Liter
KNU Knuckle
kPa Kilopascals
KS Knock Sensor
kV Kilovolts
L Liter, Light, Low
L/GATE Rear Liftgate
L/PLR Lock Pillar
L/SLIP Limited Slip
L4 Four Cylinder Engine, In-Line
L6 Six-Cylinder Engine, In-Line
LAB Laboratory
LAM Laminate
LAT Latch
LATL Lateral
lb Pound
lb ft Pound Feet Torque
lb in Pound Inch Torque
LBL Label
LBS. FT. pounds foot
LBS. IN. pounds inch
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LCG Lacing
LCM Lighting Control Module
LD Light Duty
LDCL Left Door Closed Locking
LDCM Left Door Control Module
LDGV Ledge
LDM Lamp Driver Module
Lduty Light Duty
LED Light Emitting Diode
LEV Low Emissions Vehicle
LF Left Front
LFTR Lifter
LGM Lift Gate Module
LGT Light
LIC License
LIMS Border
LIQ Liquid
LK Lock
LKG Locking
LMD Left Mid Door
LMTNG Border
LNG Facing
LNKG Linkage
LNR Liner
Lo Low
LOC Location
LOCR Locator
LP Lamp
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Propane)
LPS Low Pressure Sensor
LPTW Low Tire Pressure Warning
lm Lumens
LR Left rear
LRD Left Rear Door
Lrn Learn
Lt Left
LT Light Truck, Long Term, Lead Time
LTPI Low Tire Pressure Indicator
LTPW Low Tire Pressure Warning
LTPWS Low Tire Pressure Warning System
LTR Letter
LUB Lubricant
LUGG Luggage
LUV Louver
Lvl Level
LVL Level
LVLG Leveling
LVR Lever
LWB Long Wheel Base
LWR Lower
M/C Mixture Control
M/CYL Master Cylinder
M/FUNC Multifunction
M/PORT Multiport
M/T Manual Transmission
M/TRNS Manual Transmission
MAF Mass Air Flow
MAFS Mass Air Flow Sensor
MAG Magnetic
MAINT Maintenance
Malf Malfunction
MALL Multifunction Alarm Lighting and Locking
Man Manual
MANIF Manifold
Manufact Manufactures
MAP Manifold Absolute Pressure
MAPS Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor
Mar March
MAS Master
MAT Manifold Absolute Temperature, Manifold Air Temperature
MATL Material
MATLSPEC Material Specification
Max Maximum
MBOM Manufacturing Bill Of Materials
MCHG Refinishing
MCU Microprocessor Control Unit
MD Mini Disk
MDL Module
MDP Manifold Differential Pressure
MDX Mini Disk Changer
Med Medium
MEDLN Medallion
Mem Memory
MET Metal
MFI Multiport Fuel Injection
Mgmt Management
mi Miles
MIC Microphone
Mid Midrange
MIL Malfunction Indicator Lamp, Military
min Minimum
Min Minute
MIN Mobile Identification Number
MIR Mirror
MIX Mixture
MKR Marker
mL Milliliter
mm Millimeter
mm3 cubic millimeter
mmhg millimeters of Mercury
MMM Memory Mirror Module
Mod Module
MOD Modulator
Mon, MON Monitor
MOT Engine
MPG Miles per Gallon
mph Miles per Hour
ms Millisecond
MSEC Millisecond
Msg Message
MSM Memory Seat Module
MST Manifold Surface Temperature
MSTRE Moisture
MSVA Magnetic Steering Variable Assist, Magnasteer®
MT Manual Transmission/Transaxle, Mount
MTG Mounting
Mtr Engine
MTR Meter
MTRG Measuring
MUFF Exhaust Muffler
Mult Multiple
Mux Multiplex(-ing, -or)
MV Megavolt
mV Millivolt
N Neutral
N/PLT Name Plate
NA Natural
NAES North American Export Sales
Nav Navigation
Nb Niobium
NC Normally Closed
NDH Navigation Display Head
NDL Needle
NEG Negative
NEU Neutral
Ni Nickel
NI Neutral Idle
Ni-CD Nickel-Cadmium
Ni-Ion Nickel-Ion battery
NiMH Nickel Metal Hydride
NIP Nipple
NLGI National Lubricating Grease Institute
Nm Newton-meter Torque
NO Normally Open
no. Number
NOCONTAM No contamination
Nov November
NOx Oxides of Nitrogen
NOZ Nozzle
NPTC National Pipe Thread Coarse
NPTF National Pipe Thread Fine
NR Noise Reduction
NTC Message
NOVRAM Non-Volatile Random Access Memory
NV Night Vision
NVRAM Non-Volatile (static) Random Access Memory
O/M Owner's Manual
O2 Oxygen
O2S Oxygen Sensor
OAT Outside Air Temperature
OBD On Board Diagnostic
OBD II On-Board Diagnostics Second Generation
OBPA Off Board Programming Adapter
OC Oxidation Catalytic
OCC Occupant
OCS Opportunity Charge Station
Oct October
OD Outside Diameter
ODM Output Drive Module
ODO Odometer
OE Original Equipment
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OG Orange
OHC Overhead Camshaft
Ω Ohms
OL Open Loop, Out of Limits
OM Owners Manual
ONS OnStar
ORC Oxidation Reduction Catalytic
Orig Original
ORN Orange
ORVR On-Board Refueling Vapor Recovery
OSC Oxygen Storage Capacity
OSRVM Out Side Rear View Mirror
OSS Output Shaft Speed
Overtemp Overtemperature
oz Ounce(s)
P Park
P/B Power Brake
P/BUT Push-button
P/GR Pinion gear
P/N Part Number
P/S Power Steering
P/SEAT Passenger Seat
P/W Power window
PA Public address
PAG Polyalkylene Glycol
PAIR Pulsed Air Injection Reactor
PARK Parking
Parms Parameters
PASG Passage
PASS, PSGR Passenger
PASS-Key® Personalized Automotive Security System
PATT Pattern
PC Pressure Control
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PCM Powertrain Control Module
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International (or Industry) Association
PCS Pressure Control Solenoid
PCV Positive Crankcase Ventilation
PDIF Pressure Differential
PDM Passenger Door Module
PDS Passenger Door Switch
PEB Power Electronics Bay
PED Pedal
Perf Performance
Phn Phone
PID Parameter Identification
PILO Cushion
PIM Power Inverter Module
PIN Personal Identification Number
PIT Pitman
PIV Pivot
PK Pink
PKG Package
PKT Pocket
PLGR Plunger
PLL Phase Locked Loop
PLNM Plenum
PLNT Planetary
PLR Pillar
PLT Label
PLTF Platform
PLYR Player
PM Permanent Magnet Generator
PMV Pressure Modulator Valve
P/N Part Number
PNDLM Pendulum
PNK Pink
PNL Panel
PNP Park/Neutral Position
PNT Pointer
POA Pilot Operated Absolute Valve
POS Positive, Position
POT Potentiometer Variable Resistor
PPAH Parallel Power Assist Hybrid
PPL Purple
PPM Parts per Million
PPS Passenger Presence Sensing
PREDLVY Predelivery
PRES Present
PRESS Pressure
PRESS REG Pressure Regulator
Preten Pretensioner
Prev Previous
PREV Preventive
PRGM Program
PRIM Primary
PRNDL Park, Reverse, Neutral, Drive, Low
PROC Process
PROCD Procedure
Prog Program
PROGMR Programmer
PROM Programmable Read Only Memory
PROP Propeller
PROPN Proportion
PROTN Protection
PROTR Protector
PROTV Protective
PS Power Steering
PSA Power Switch Assembly
PSC Power Steering Controller
PSCM Power Steering Control Module, Passenger Seat Control Module, Power Seat Control Module
PSD Power Sliding Door
Psgr Passenger
PSI Pounds per Square Inch
psia Pounds per Square Inch Absolute
PSIG Pounds per Square Inch Gauge
PSIR Passenger Supplemental Inflatable Restraint
PSIV Passive
PSM Passenger Seat Module
PSP Power Steering Pressure
PSTN Piston
pt Pint
PTC Positive Temperature Coefficient
PTCM Powertrain Control Module
PTO Power Take-Off
PU Purple
PUB Pick Up Box
PUBX Pick Up Box
PUL Pulley
PULDN Pull-down
PW Power Windows
PWM Pulse Width Modulated
PWR Power
PWRT Powertrain
PZM Platform Zone Module
Q/PNL Quarter Panel
Q/WDO Quarter Window
QDM Quad Driver Module
qt Quart(s)
QTR Lateral
R Reverse
R/AXL Rear Axle
R/CMPT Rear Compartment
R/CON Remote Control
R/D Rear Door
R/END Rear End
R/FLR Rear Floor
R/FDR Rear Fender
R/GR Rear Gear
R/MLDG Reveal Molding
R/Q Rear Quarter
R/RL Roof Rail
R/SEAT Rear Seat
R/TOP Removable Top
R/WDO Rear Window
R-12 Refrigerant-12
R-134a Refrigerant-134a
RAC Remote Accessory Control(ler)
RAD Radiator
RAM Random Access Memory, Non-permanent memory device, memory contents are lost when power is removed.
Ran Random
RAP Retained Accessory Power
RAV Remote Activation Verification
RBND Rebound
RCC Rear Climate Control
RCPT Receptacle
RCVG Receiving
RCVR Receiver
RCVY Recovery
RCDLR Remote Control Door Lock Receiver
RD Red
RDCM Right Door Control Module
RDCN Reduction
RDCR Reducer
RDG Reading
RDM Rear Door Module
RDO Radio
RDS Radio Display System
Rec Receive
Recep Receptacle
Recirc Recirculation
Recl Recline
RECL Recliner
RECRG Recirculating
Ref Reference
REFL Reflector
REFLTY Reflectivity
Refrig Refrigeration
REFRIG Refrigerant
REG Regulator or Regulated
Regen Regeneration or Regenerate
REINF Reinforcement
REL Release
REM Remote
REMAN Remanufacture
REPL Replace
Req Requisition
REQ Request
REQT Requirement
RES Resistor
Resist Resistance
RESO Resonator
RESV Back Up
Resync Resynchronize
RET Support
RETR Retractor
Rev Reverse
REVBR Reverberator
REVLDT Revalidation
REX Rear Exchanger
RIM Rear Integration Module
RF Right Front, Radio Frequency, Roof
RFA Remote Function Actuation
RFI Radio Frequency Interference
RFWS Right Front Wheel Speed
RGTRN Registration
RH Right Hand
RIM Radio Interface Module, Rear Integration Module
RIV Rivet
RKE Remote Keyless Entry
RKR Valve Rocker Arm Assembly
RL Rail
RLF Relief
RLR Roller
RLY Relay
RMD Right Mid Door
RND Round
ROM Read Only Memory, Permanent memory device, memory contents are retained when power is removed.
ROS Roll Over Sensor
ROT Rotor
RPA Rear Parking Assist
RPM Revolutions per Minute Engine Speed
RPO Regular Production Option
RPR Repair
RPRT Report
RR Right Rear, Rear
RRD Right Rear Door
RSA Rear seat audio
RSG Radio Speaker Grill
RSR Riser
RSS Road Sensing Suspension
RST Brace
RSTN Restriction
RSTR Restrictor
RSVR Reservoir
RT Right
RTC Real Time Clock
RTD Real Time Damping
RTN Return
RTT Reconfigurable Telltale
RTV Room Temperature Vulcanizing Sealer
RU Rust
RVC Regulated Voltage Control (sometimes Controller)
RVHSM Rear Vented Heated Seat Module
RVL Reveal
RVS Remote vehicle start
RWAL Rear Wheel Antilock
RWD Rear Wheel Drive
RWS Rear Wheel Steering
s Second(s)
S/ABS Shock Absorber
S/D Side door
S/GR Steering Gear
S/KNU Steering Knuckle
S/LP Stop lamps
S/MBR Side member
S/PNL Side panel
S/RL Side rail
S/S Sunshade
S/STR Sealing strip
S/W Software
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SAF Safety
SAS Steering Angle Sensor
SBM Standard Body Module
SC Supercharger, Sports Coupe
SCAV Clean-up
SCB Supercharger Bypass
SCE Source
SCLCM Steering Column Lock Control Module
SCM Seat Control Module
SCRN Shield
SCTR Sector
SCV Speed Controlled Volume
SDL Serial Data Link
SDM Sensing and Diagnostic Module
SDR Sender
Sec Second(s)
SECD Secondary
SECT Section
SEL Selector
SEN Sensors
SEO Special Equipment Option
Sep September
SEP Separator
Seq Sequence
SEQ Sequential
Ser Serial
SERV Service
SF Spot face
SFI Sequential Multiport Fuel Injection
SGM Shanghai General Motors
SH Sheet
SHF Shaft
SHFT Shifting
SHK Bump
SHKL Shackle
SHLD Shield
SHLDR Shoulder
SHLF Ledge
SHPG Shipping
SHRD Cabinet
SI Side, Spark Ignition
SI System International Modern Version of Metric System
SIAB Side air bag
SIG Signal
SIL Exhaust Muffler
SIR Supplemental Inflatable Restraint
SIS Side Impact Sensor
SK Skirt
SLA Short/Long Arm Suspension
SLDG Sliding
SLDR Solder
SLEV Sleeve
SM Small
SMCC Stepper Motor Cruise Control
SNBR Shock Absorber
SND Noises
SNFR Snuffer
SO2 Sulfur Dioxide
SOC Socket
SOH State Of Health
SOL Solenoid
SOLV Solvent
SP Splice Pack
S/P Series/Parallel
SPA Back Up
SPCHG Supercharger
SPCR Spacer
SPD Speed
SPDL Knuckles
SPEC Specification
SPECD Specified
SPEEDO Speedometer
SPH Splash
SPHER Spherical
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
SPKR Speaker
SPKT Sprocket
SPLG Spark Plug
SPLP Spot Lamp
SPLR Spoiler
SPLTR Splitter
SPLY Supply
SPO Service Parts Operations
SPR Spring
SPS Service Programming System, Speed Signal
SPWELD Specified welds
sq ft, ft 2 Square Foot/Feet
sq in, in 2 Square Inch/Inches
SR Silver
SRC Service Ride Control
SRI Service Reminder Indicator
Airbag Restraint System
SRV Servo
SS Shift Solenoid, Speed Signal, Super Sport
SSE Super Sport Edition
SSR Super Sports Roadster
SSS (S3) Speed Sensitive Steering
SSV Shift Solenoid Valve
ST Scan Tool, Seat
STA Stationary
STAB Stabilizer
STAT Stator
STCHG Stitching
STD Standard
Stdby Standby
STFNR Stiffener
STID Station Identification Station ID
STKR Striker
STL Service Transmission Lamp
STNR Strainer
STOR Storage
STOW Stowage
STPL Staple
STR Strip
STRG Steering
STRGR Stringer
STRP Strap
STRPE Stripe
STRTR Starter motor
S4WD Selectable Four-Wheel Drive
SUC Suction
SUP Supplement
SUPPR Deadener
SUPT Support
SURF Surface
SUSP Suspension
SUV Sport Utility Vehicle
SV Side view
SVS Service Vehicle Soon
Sw Switch
SWB Short Wheel Base
SWC Steering Wheel Controls
Switz Switzerland
SWIV Swivel
SWPS Steering Wheel Position Sensor
SYN Synchronizer
Sync Synchronize
SYS System
T&T Tilt & telescope
T/BLK Terminal block
T/CV Torque Converter
T/GA Temperature gauge
T/LP Tail lamp
T/PLYR Tape player
T/PNL Trim panel
T/SIG Turn Signals
T/V Throttle valve
TA Traffic Announcement
TAC Throttle Actuator Control
TACH Tachometer
TACM Throttle Actuator Control Module
TAP Transmission Adaptive Pressure, Throttle Adaptive Pressure, Tapping
TARP Tarpaulin
TAS Trap Alert System
TAV Transmission Adaptive Volume
TBC Truck Body Controller
TBI Throttle Body Fuel Injection
DTC Turbocharger, Transmission Control
TCC Torque Converter Clutch
TCCM Transfer Case Control Module
TCM Traction Control Module, Transmission Control Module
TCS Traction Control System
TCSCM Transfer Case Shift Control Module
TDC Top Dead Center
TEL Telephone
Tele Telescope
TEMP Temperature
MALL Template
TENS Voltage
TENSR Tensioner
TERM Terminal
TFP Transmission Fluid Pressure
TFT Transmission Fluid Temperature
THD Thread
THERM Engine Cooling Thermostat
THM Turbo Hydra-Matic
THNR Thinner
THR Thrust
THROT Throttle
TIM Tire Inflation Monitoring, Tire Inflation Module
TIS Techline Information System
TK Tank
TL Tubeless, Teal
TLA Tail Lamp
TLSCP Telescope
TMG Timing
TMPRY Temporary
TN Brown
TOC Transmission Oil Cooler
TOL Tolerance
TORQ Torque
TORS Torsion
TP Throttle Position
TPA Terminal Positive Assurance
TPIM Traction Power Inverter Module
TPM Tire Pressure Monitoring, Tire Pressure Monitor
TQ Torque, Turquoise
TR Transmission Range, Trim
Trac Traction
TRACT Traction
TRANS Transmission
Transp Transponder
Transx Transaxle
TRFER Transfer
Trk Truck
TRK Track
TRLR Trailer
TRUN Trunnion
TSD Time speed distance
TSS Turbine Shaft Speed
TSTR Tester
TT Tell Tail lamp, Tube type
TTM Tilt & Telescope Module
TUMB Tumbler
TUN Tunnel
TURB Turbine
TURBO Turbocharger
TV Throttle Valve
TVRS Television and Radio Suppression
TVV Thermal Vacuum Valve
TWC Three Way Converter Catalytic
TWR Tower
Twtr Tweeter
TWC+OC Three Way + Oxidation Converter Catalytic
TXV Thermal Expansion Valve
U/B Underbody
U/HOOD Underhood
U/SEAT Underseat
U/V Under vehicle
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
UBEC Underhood Bussed Electrical Center
U/H Underhood
U/HEC Underhood Electrical Center
U-joint Universal Joint
UJT Universal joint
UND Under
Unlk Unlock
UPR Upper
UPSHFT Upshift
UTD Universal Theft Deterrent
UV Ultraviolet
V Volt(s), Voltage
V6 Six-Cylinder Engine, V-Type
V8 Eight-Cylinder Engine, V-Type
Vac Vacuum
VAC Vehicle Access Code
VATS Vehicle Anti-Theft System
VCIM Vehicle Communication Interface Mode
VCM Vehicle Control Module
V dif Voltage Difference
VDOT Variable Displacement Orifice Tube
VDV Vacuum Delay Valve
vel Velocity
VES Variable Effort Steering
VF Vacuum Fluorescent
VIO Purple
VIN Vehicle Identification Number
VLR Voltage Loop Reserve
VMV Vacuum Modulator Valve
VR Voltage Regulator
V ref Voltage Reference
VSES Vehicle Stability Enhancement System
VSS Vehicle Speed Sensor
VT Purple
w/ With
W/B Wheel Base
WH White
WHL Wheels
WHT White
w/o Without
WOT Wide Open Throttle
W/P Water pump
W/S Windshield
WSS Wheel Speed Sensor
WU-OC Warm Up Oxidation Converter Catalytic
WU-TWC Warm Up Three-Way Converter Catalytic
X-valve Expansion Valve
yd Yard(s)
YE Yellow
YEL Yellow