Engine Coolant Thermostat Replacement (LAU)

Engine Coolant Thermostat Replacement (LAU)

Callout Component Name

Preliminary Procedures

1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and Jacking the Vehicle .

2. Drain the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System, Draining and Filling (GE 47716) Cooling System, Draining and Filling (Static Fill LAU) Cooling System, Draining and Filling (Static Fill LF1) .

3. Remove the turbocharger. Refer to Turbocharger Replacement .

1 Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing Bolt Refer to Fastener Caution .


10 Nm (88 lb in)
2 Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing Gasket

Replace the gasket with a NEW gasket.

3 Engine Coolant Thermostat
4 Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing