Master Cylinder Replacement

Master Cylinder Replacement

Removal Procedure

Refer to Brake Fluid Irritant Warning .

Refer to Brake Fluid Effects on Paint and Electrical Components Caution .

1. Turn the ignition switch to the OFF position.

2. Apply the brake pedal several times until the brake pedal becomes firm to deplete the power vacuum brake booster vacuum reserve.

3. Using a suitable tool, remove and properly discard the brake fluid from the master cylinder reservoir.

4. Without draining the coolant and without disconnecting the hoses, remove and position aside the radiator surge tank. Refer to Radiator Surge Tank Replacement (LAU) Radiator Surge Tank Replacement (LF1) .


Lift the dash panel insulator slightly to remove the upper master cylinder heat shield nut.

If equipped with the master cylinder heat shield, remove the master cylinder heat shield nuts (1).

6. Remove the master cylinder heat shield bolt (1).

7. Remove the master cylinder heat shield.

8. Disconnect the master cylinder fluid level indicator switch electrical connector.

9. Disconnect the master cylinder primary brake pipe fitting (1).

10. Cap the brake pipe fitting and plug the master cylinder outlet port to prevent brake fluid loss and contamination.

11. Disconnect the master cylinder secondary brake pipe fitting (2).

12. Cap the brake pipe fitting and plug the master cylinder outlet port to prevent brake fluid loss and contamination.

13. Remove the master cylinder nuts (1).

14. Remove the master cylinder (1).

15. Remove the master cylinder O-ring seal (2).

Installation Procedure

1. If installing a new master cylinder, bench bleed the master cylinder. Refer to Master Cylinder Bench Bleeding .


Ensure the O-ring seal is properly seated in the groove in the master cylinder body and is not distorted.

Install the master cylinder (1) and master cylinder O-ring seal (2).

3. Refer to Fastener Caution .

Install the master cylinder nuts (1) and tighten to 50 Nm (37 lb ft) .

4. Connect the master cylinder primary brake pipe fitting (1) and tighten to 19 Nm (14 lb ft) .

5. Connect the master cylinder secondary brake pipe fitting (2) and tighten to 19 Nm (14 lb ft) .

6. Connect the master cylinder fluid level indicator switch electrical connector.

7. Install the master cylinder heat shield, if equipped.

8. Install the master cylinder heat shield bolt (1) and tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb in) .


Lift the dash panel insulator slightly to install the upper master cylinder heat shield nut.

Install the master cylinder heat shield nuts (1) and tighten to 25 Nm (18 lb ft) .

10. Install the radiator surge tank. Refer to Radiator Surge Tank Replacement (LAU) Radiator Surge Tank Replacement (LF1) .

11. Bleed the hydraulic brake system. Refer to Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding (Manual) Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding (Pressure) .