Tire Inflation Description

Tire Inflation Description


This vehicle is equipped with a tire pressure monitoring system. Refer to Tire Pressure Monitor Description and Operation .

This vehicle has been engineered to operate up to the stated load capacity with wheel and tire assemblies of the type, size, construction, and configuration as originally installed. Maintenance of the tire inflation pressures is critical to the continued satisfactory performance, handling, and operating economy of the vehicle. Operation with incorrectly or improperly inflated tires can adversely affect vehicle performance and may contribute to the following:

Reduced fuel economy

Tire overloading

Shortened tire life

Excessive tire wear

Uneven tire wear

Vehicle handling concerns

Inspect the tire pressures when the vehicle has not been driven for at least 3 hours or not more than 1.6 km (1 mi) and when the tires are cool to the touch.

Tire inflation pressures should be inspected monthly and before an extended trip and adjusted to meet the specifications listed for the particular vehicle. Replace any missing or damaged tire valve stem extensions and/or caps to prevent the intrusion of water and contaminates.

One pound per square inch (psi) equals 6.9 kilopascals (kPa). The following table illustrates the conversion of kilopascals to pounds per square inch:

Inflation Pressure Conversion (Kilopascals to PSI)

kPa psi kPa psi
140 20 215 31
145 21 220 32
155 22 230 33
160 23 235 34
165 24 240 35
170 25 250 36
180 26 275 40
185 27 310 45
190 28 345 50
200 29 380 55
205 30 415 60
Conversion: 6.9 kPa = 1 psi

For the correct inflation pressures refer to the vehicle tire placard.

Tires inflated to a higher than recommended pressure can contribute to the following conditions:

A hard ride

Tire bruising

Rapid tread wear at the center of the tire

Tires inflated to a lower than recommended pressure can contribute to the following conditions:

Tire squeal on turns

Hard steering

Rapid and/or uneven wear on the outer edges of the tread

Tire rim bruises and tire rim rupture

Tire cord breakage

High tire temperatures

Sluggish vehicle handling

Higher fuel consumption

Unequal pressure on the same axle can cause the following conditions:

Uneven braking action

Steering lead

Imprecise vehicle handling