Leakage test equipment

Leakage test equipment

Leakage test equipment is used in fault tracing to locate leaks in the engine, gearbox, cooling system and AC system. With leakage test equipment, you can determine the exact location of the leak.

The principle is based on adding a fluorescent tracer dye to the oil or coolant. When the oil or coolant leaks out, it is detected using ultraviolet light (UV light).

A suitable kit to begin with is Tracerline TP-8020 or TP-1620F. The kit ( 1 ) TP-8020 consists of:

UV lamp TP-8200, which is small and is best suited to difficult-to-reach places or when there is no mains voltage. The lamp is connected to 12 V by means of battery clamps and has a power of 100 W.

Cleaning fluid

Protective eyewear

The kit's lamp can be ordered separately.

There is also a larger UV lamp ( 2 ) TP-1600 with greater brightness and 150 W power. This lamp is connected to mains voltage. (The lamp is part of kit TP-1620F, which in other aspects is the same as TP-8020).

When checking the AC system for leaks, special adapter ( 3 ) TP-3863 or TP-9840 is needed to add the tracer dye to the system. These kits also contain tracer dye for the AC system.

Containers with different types of tracer dye are available in kits that can be ordered separately.

TP-2110 for leakage test of engine, cooling system and power steering system.

TP-3000 similar to the above, but also for transmission fluid

Compare with the following equipment:


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Locab UV leakage tester 12 V (for AC only)


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