(522-1928) Brake servo, checking and rectifying the pressure switch

Bulletin Nbr: 522-1928
Date: ........... APRIL 1998
Brake servo, checking and rectifying the pressure switch

Service directive no. 10462

Cars in storage must be rectified before delivery.

Cars already delivered should be rectified next time they are brought in for regular servicing or repairs.

Cars affected

Saab 9-5 LHD automatic from VIN W3050321 to VIN W3057418 inclusive.


The vacuum hose to the brake servo's vacuum pump pressure switch on certain cars within the VIN interval may be creased.

This will cause the brake system vacuum pump not to start, affecting the vacuum supply to the brake servo.

In special cases, such as stop-and-go driving, the braking power may be reduced.

If this is the case, carry out the procedure on the next page.


1. Make sure the vacuum hose is not creased. If it is, loosen the rear hood (bonnet) seal in the engine bay.

2. Detach the bracket and pressure switch by pulling it straight up from the bulkhead wall.

3. Move the bracket and pressure switch 170 mm towards the middle of the bulkhead wall.

4. Fit the bracket and pressure switch to the bulkhead wall.

5. Make sure the hose is not creased.

6. Fit the rear hood (bonnet) seal in the engine bay.

Marking the modification identity plate

On completion of the repair, box A2 of the modification identity plate should be marked. Mark it with a “7” if the repair was carried out by the importer (main distributor) or with an “8” if done by a dealer.

Warranty/Time Information

See separate information.