Grounding points
Grounding points |
There are two main types of grounding point in the car: those that are equipped with a component number, and those where the component is grounded directly on to the chassis (e.g., temperature sensors, oil pressure sensors, etc.).
The car battery is grounded via two cables, one of which has a cross-section of 25 mm 2 and leads directly to the gearbox (grounding point G25).
The other has a cross-section of 16 mm 2 and leads to grounding point G2, which is located behind the battery in the left-hand wheel housing.
A redundant ground consisting of a 10 mm 2 cable runs between the gearbox and the left-hand wheel housing. It is shown on the service diagrams as a lead running between G2 and G25.
This section deals with those grounding points that have a component number.
The grounding points to which a component is connected can differ depending on whether the car is a left-hand or right-hand-drive model. This can be seen in the system diagrams.
Cables are sometimes collected in a crimp connection immediately before a grounding point. These connections will be found in the list of grounding points.