Clutch pedal switch

Clutch pedal switch

To remove

1. Remove the pedal bracket's cover by undoing the 3 screws and clip. Bend the cover down and carefully withdraw it. Mind the leads running to the data link connector and the wiring for the lighting.

2. Depress the clutch pedal.

3. Extract the red sleeve on the switch until it clicks.

4. Detach the switch by pressing in the catches with an electricians screwdriver or similar tool.

5. Unplug the connector once the switch is loose.

To fit

1. Spray the connector with Kontakt 61 contact cleaner (part no. 30 21 763).

2. Make sure the switch is fully extracted.

3. Depress the clutch pedal and press the switch into the holder.

4. Carefully release the pedal.

5. Plug in the connector.

6. Fit the pedal bracket's cover in reverse order.