Sudden loss of performance in Aero cars driving at high speed.

Symptom: Engine suddenly loses torque noticeably. Despite the driver giving full throttle, the indicator on the turbo pressure gauge never enters the red zone and stays between the white and orange zones.

Sudden loss of performance in Aero cars driving at high speed.

Fault symptoms

Engine suddenly loses torque noticeably. Despite the driver giving full throttle, the indicator on the turbo pressure gauge never enters the red zone and stays between the white and orange zones.


This fault symptom arises on Aero cars only and then at high engine speeds (>4,000 rpm), e.g. when driving at high speed on motorways. The symptom will disappear after turning off the engine and restarting it. No trouble codes are detected or saved and Check Engine lamp off.

Diagnostic procedure

Before taking any other measures, clear any trouble codes and update T7 with the latest software version by SPS programming. Version 12.0 and Tech2 version 42.000. New software for all 9-5 Aero.

MY 00: EB2WZA1C.56K/.56D/.56L/.56C

MY 01: EC0SZA1C.56M/.56F/.56E/.56G (prior to VIN Y 13020220)