Environment and body work bay

Environment and body work bay

When painted surfaces are subjected to "hot work", such as welding, drilling, cutting and grinding, isocyanates form. These are invisible and odourless. They can jeopardise the health of not only those performing such work, but also anyone in the vicinity.

A so-called body work bay can be set up through the use of motorised curtains and enhanced ventilation. When the curtains are down, a room is formed that has negative pressure in relation to the rest of the premises.

The curtains are grey in colour and are equipped with transparent “windows”. They are available as motorised and as hand-drawn curtains that run along rails in the ceiling. The maximum length for motorised curtains is 7 m.

The recommended value for ventilation in the body work bay is 1600 m 3 /h, corresponding to two spot extractors at 800 m 3 /h (spot extractor for welding as well as car glass hood). It is important that the exhaust air ventilation in the body room is greater than that in the rest of the workshop.

The curtains can be ordered from Saab Automobile AB. See the foreword of the manual.

Compare with the following equipment:


Part no. 92 10 05-1 (grey colour).

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