Replacing the battery drain hose

Replacing the battery drain hose


1. Remove the left-hand direction indicator and headlamp, see Main lighting and Direction indicators, front .

2. Detach the drain hose from the battery.

3. Unplug the 6-pin connector to the front bumper wiring harness.

4. Insert the wiring harness towards the LH fog light/corner light.

5. Raise the car.

6. Carefully cut the hose away from the wiring harness.


1. Secure the new hose to the wiring harness with adhesive tape as illustrated. Check the measurement.

2. Insert the wiring harness up to the engine bay

3. Plug in the 6-pin connector on the wiring harness to the front harness.

4. Attach the hose to the battery.

5. Fit the left-hand direction indicator and headlamp, see Main lighting and Direction indicators, front

6. Adjust the lights.