Piston height, measuring

Piston height, measuring

Selecting cylinder head gasket

The thickness of the cylinder head gasket is determined by how much the piston pushes up over the gasket surface of the cylinder block.

Three gasket thicknesses are available. See the table in Data, engine block.

Before measuring, surfaces should be thoroughly cleaned of soot particles and the like.

Piston height should be measured at two different points on each piston.

Before each piston measurement, make sure that the piston is in its top-most position as follows:

1. Fit a 78 40 622 Dial indicator in a Measuring jig .

2. Place the measuring jig against the cylinder block's gasket surface so that the dial indicator probe is in contact with the block.

3. Reset the dial indicator.

4. Place the measuring jig over one of the pistons' measurement points. See illustration.

5. Turn the crankshaft in its direction of rotation while reading the dial indicator. Read and note the highest value on the dial indicator before the point turns.

6. Repeat the previous point for the other measurement point on the piston.

7. Calculate the average for each piston.

8. Note the max value for the three pistons of each cylinder bank.

9. Select a gasket thickness from the table, see Engine , based on the max value obtained.